His Past

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At some point, I fell asleep on the way home. Gerald had given me his jacket which of course led to an angry Javier shoving his own jacket on me rather dramatically after ripping Gerald's off of me.

I didn't understand the all of the sudden possessiveness. Just like I didn't understand what was going on between Javier and I whatsoever.

I woke up being carried into my house by Javier, and pretended to be asleep. Once we reached my room, he lay me down on the bed gently and pulled a blanket over me.

Before I drifted back to sleep, I heard him whisper, "Goodnight Maysún."


"Dearest. Wake up. Breakfast is ready."

I think I mumbled something that resembled okay, and Grandfather left the room. I got up and pulled on some sweats, pulling my hair up in a messy bun.

When I arrived at the table, Peter and his family was fortunately not there. Then I noticed two Javiers.

"Wha-uh.." I didn't know how to ask who he was without sounding like a bitch, then I remembered Javier talking about a brother the first day we'd ever talked.

"This is Jasper, my oldest son." Mr. Maraz said. Unlike I'd expected, Javier seemed extremely pissed that his brother was here.

"Uh hi... I'm Fae." Jasper stood up with a small smile, took my hand and kissed it.

Not quite how the last brother introduced himself.

"Yes, the bride?" I looked into his eyes which were hazel.

I said no just as Grandmother said yes. I sent her a glare which she returned, but I decided to have a drama free morning so I dropped it.

Jasper looked confused but spoke nothing of it as he sat back down. I looked over at Javier to see that he had an expressionless look on his face. When he realized I was looking at him he looked back at me, his face still holding no emotion.

He wouldn't hold me gaze and for the rest of breakfast he stared down at his plate. Grandmother and Mr. Maraz talked about everything under the sun, and eventually I excused myself since neither of them would be done talking soon.

I walked up to my room and plopped back down on my bed. I heard knocking on my door just as I was almost asleep again.

"Come in." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Is..it a bad time?" I rolled over on my back to see Jasper in my doorway.

"Oh! Uh no, not at all." he was the last person I had expected to be here.

"I was just wondering if you'd mind showing me around here? My father says you've toured Javier around a lot and we were wondering if you could do the same for me."

Hah. You could call it that.

"Umm sure! Yeah." I couldn't get over how much he looked like Javier. Under a for looking older though, he looked much younger. Whereas his brother kept his jaw lightly unshaven, his face was completely bare. His eyes looked innocent, while Javier's held dark mystery.

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