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I watch his firm, muscular ass saunter out of the room, his body naked in all of its glory.

My breathing is still heavy from his forceful, needy kiss and the room smells of musk. I walk over to the window and see his tanned figure walking to the ocean, the full moon guiding him.

I take off my panties and bra, excitement coursing through me as I walk down the stairs after giving the room one last look. The bed is wrinkled and the cuffs are still attached to the headboard, giving away our earlier activities.

Running my hands along the sleek, dark marble I look out of the walled window to see the peaceful beach, and I spot Javier's large frame standing, looking out at the moon.

I run outside quietly and walk toward the shore. The wind is blowing a warm breeze and I look out at Javier, whose entire lower body is covered, just above his ass.


I dip my toes in and am satisfied to find that the water is even warmer than the air. I wade out to Javier, who is lost in his thoughts. Once I reach him, the water is past my waist and I go further, hearing him follow behind me.

I stop when the water is just below my collarbone, digging my toes into the heated sand. Stars fill the sky, and I'm drawn to them. I never really get to see stars, hiding behind the city smog.

Javier's body is soon pressed against the back of mine as he wraps his arms around me and grabs my heavy breasts.

"I hope you aren't trying to hide yourself, Kitten. I wanted you naked for a reason." He whispers into my neck, sucking where my shoulder meets.

"No, the water is just warm." I whisper back, my mind absorbed by his fingers playing with my sensitive nipples. He runs his hands down my body and rests them in my hips, while leaning down to rest his chin on my shoulder.

"It's beautiful here, how did you find it?" I ask, casually, as if I didn't want to jump his leg like a horny dog. The island is in the middle of nowhere.

"I wanted a place with absolutely no one around. I wanted warmth and water and stars and most importantly, privacy. I didn't want anyone knowing how to get here, or be able to get here. I came across this." His stubble rubs against neck as he speaks, and somehow that small action turns me on even more.

"Its perfect."

"Sei perfetta." (You're prefect) He whispers back softly, his breath blowing against my neck.

"What does that mean?" My voice came out breathy, like he hadn't only just said two words.

"Are you going to punish me if I don't tell you?" He teases in a sexy tone that makes my toes curl into the sand.

"I said: You're perfect." He finally admits, and a heated blush creeps up my face, not only at his words, but deep tone he says them with. I cant stop the small smile that forms on my face.

"You submitted to me." I state, wanting to know what is going on in his mind.

"Yes. I did." he replies shortly, his voice soft and elsewhere.

"Why?" His submission shocked me.

"I wanted you to know that I don't see you as..just another submissive to puppet and use. I felt that maybe if I just...showed you what I feel..you would understand that it isn't about hurting you. I would never want to hurt you. You, as the submissive have as much, if not more control than I do as the dominant. You decide what I can and cannot do, none of this is against your will. You choose what is unacceptable and you get the final say. You can lose yourself in the pleasure, you don't need to make decisions. You submit. You become free. You show me that you trust me, that I can give you pleasure and you will take it, in hand giving me pleasure. When you trust me with your mind and body, I feel control and respect, I feel strong and powerful. I wanted you to see that I trusted you, and that I don't want to just control you. I just want...you, and I want you and everyone else to know that you're mine." His voice ends in a whisper, and my mind goes numb with his words.

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