Sexual Frustration.

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What the hell? He can't keep doing that to me. Ugh, why is it affecting me? He's such an arrogant asshole. I don't like him, no. I'm just sexually deprived.

Yeah. That's got to be it. Hmm, this has to stop. Only one way to quench the thirst of being locked up and sexually frustrated: the club. A girls night out.

I smiled to myself evilly. I quickly texted some of the girls if they wanted to go to the club with me because it's been forever. And to be honest, they're going to say yes.

No one loves to have fun more than the girls. Crazy little shits. I got almost immediate replies: "what kind of question is that?" "Hell yeah!"

May the games begin. I went to my closet to find the perfect dress for tonight. This would most likely take a while. Blue? Too innocent. Black? Too....boring. I need something sexy. Red. Definitely red.

I had three choices that I liked most: one tight dress with long sleeves and one off the shoulder, on sleeveless tight dress, and one flowy dress with a slit up the thigh.

I decided to go for the first choice since it fit perfectly for the occasion. All of those workouts seriously paid off. I'd been working my ass off lately since summer was coming up.

For my hair, I went for big sexy curls and started teasing my hair for extra volume.

I need music. After searching forever through my phone for the right song to get ready to, I settled on "I mean it" by my man. G-Eazy.

"BECAUSE I AM FUCKING YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT." I screamed in my beautiful symphony while dancing with the grave of a gazelle.

Then I heard a snort. I spun around to find Javier with a hand over his mouth, obviously trying not to laugh. His eyes then moved down to my outfit and widened.

"Wow.. Uh where are you going?" He asked, still looking at my legs.
"The club. Girls night out. Not that it's any of your business." He doesn't new to know everything I do. Grandmother already does that.

A small hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"Feisty as ever. You can't go out in that." Wait what?

"Excuse me?" I asked, appalled by his sudden bossiness,
"I said: you can't go out in that. Do you know how many men will take advantage of you like this?"

"Thanks for your consideration," I said sarcastically. "But I can look out for myself. I'm eight-"

"Eighteen yes I know. You're not going out in that." He said with a this-is-over tone.
"Says who?" I challenged. Who the hell does he think he is?

"Says me."
"Try to stop me."
"I'll tell your grandmother."
"Not the first time I've disobeyed orders."
"Exactly. So back off."

"I'm serious." He was getting mad, but I honestly couldn't give less fucks.
"Me too." I crossed my arms.
He narrowed his eyes at me, then his expression changed.

"Well alright if I can't change your mind then I'll be off..." He walked out of the room. Something's going on; he's planning something.

I continued curling my hair and once it was done, I started doing my make up. I went for a smokey, doe eyed look that made my blue eyes pop.

"Shoes." I looked through my millions of shoes and found some perfect black wedges with lace overtone. Then, I put on a black lace choker that was elegant, in an edgy way.

After spraying some more hairspray and applying red lipstick, I was ready. Tonight is going to be fun and get my mind off of ja- everything. I called the girls in a group call really quickly to see if they were ready.

"He-" I was stopped by sex noises in the phone. definitely my friends.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Is what I hear in a matter of seconds and realize it's been too long since I've been with these hoes. I love them so much.

"Are you guys ready?"
"Hell yeah we're ready and hopefully you're looking good because girl I sure as hell do." Which is true, my friends are gorgeous. I'm definitely the duff, but I've come to terms with it.
"Oh please, honey just wait until you see this hair."
"Whoooo Faes gettin baes!!"

"You know it." I said seductively.
"I'm such a duff." I hear Cassandra say in the background. Cassandra. Watermelons as boobs and taller than a redwood tree. She's gorgeous, with big brown chocolatey eyes that any straight man would fall for.

"Shut the fuck up you perfect flawless bitch we all know I am and be here in about 30 minutes."
"Girl, you're the prettiest of us all! You've got everything! The big blue green eyes, the small nose, the long curly hair, the kissable plump lips, the-"
"Pale skin, ugliness," I interrupted. I've had this speech so many times.

"Oh whatever you-" she was cut off by someone in the background.
"You two are both hotter than hades on crack. We're on our way. Love you we'll be there in about twenty minutes!" And then she hung up.

To spare twenty minutes, I French tipped my nails and made sure I was all set to go. Shit, perfume. I need to smell....alluring. I went for the Versace Limited Edition, since tonight will be special.

Before I knew it, girls in heels were running up my stairs and burst into my room.
"AHHHHHHHH" After we were done screaming and uniting and hugging, we all went to my mirror to fix any problems."

My friends:
Hanna- the "innocent" one. Who's really not innocent at all. It takes her a bit to get jokes, but she's always the one to fix fights and she damn sure knows how to have fun.
Emma- the brave one. The one who will do any dare you ask, no matter the intensity of the dare.
Jordan- the crazy af one.
Mckenzie- the chill one at all times...except the club.
Tasha- the one with the fiery red hair, but shy at first. Once you get to know her though, she makes you wonder..

"FAE YOU LOOK SEXY AS HELL. They're going to be ALL over you." Emma said.
"That's what I'm going for" I said with a wink.

After complimenting each other for a few more minutes, we hit the road. Instead of taking Mackenzie's car that they'd arrived in,
we decided to take my black, beautiful Sting Ray. He's beautiful. I named him Lorenzo.


I'm sorry, forgive me for doing that to you. BUT. I WILL UPDATE SOON DEARIES I PROMISE. Comment and vote if you like it so far>:)

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