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No way. Javier is my brother? What's going on here?! IM SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO MY BROTHER?!

"You're sexually attracted to me?" He said with a smirk. Oh shit, did I say that out loud?
"I'm not your brother, I just didn't want that man to get mad at you."
"He's actually an octopus, and I was doing him a favor." He shook his head and started driving.
"Wait! My friends!" I tried opening the door but the damn thing wouldn't budge.
"Fae. Calm down ok? One of them said she was the designative driver, and I told them I was taking you home." I nodded, but then remembered everything he'd done to me lately.

Ugh, he pisses me off.
"Why are you even here?! Did you follow me? Because that's not even right." I took a sip from my drink that I had brought for the road and the asshole took it from me and THREW IT out the WINDOW.
"Hey! This night was supposed to be fun and you're ruining it! Take me back to the club. I need to tell my cute bartender husband-" the car stopped. Javier looked over at me, obviously not happy.

"He's cute huh? He's not your husband sweetheart," he said coldly. "He just gives you drinks. And don't think you're so special, because guess what? He does that for every other woman in that club." How could he say that? He was MY bartender!
"What's your problem?"
"My problem?" He laughed humorlessly. "You're eighteen. You're not old enough to drink in the first place. That guy probably would've just loved to take advantage of you, as well as any other man in there. I told you not to go, but no no you just can't. Fucking. Listen. You can't ever do what you're fucking told can you?"

"None of this is your business. I-" oh god. I'm gonna throw up. The feeling passed after a few seconds and I continued.
"I'm fine. I don't need your help. And I don't need to listen. Especially to you."
He closed his eyes and squeezed the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. His nose flared as he took deep breaths, and I couldn't help but think of how sexy he looked right now. His jaw clenched over and over as he worked to calm himself.

A few minutes passed by, and he opened his eyes and started driving again. A little while later he said under his breath.
"You have no idea."
I just turned the radio up, only to find the song Baby by Justin Bieber on. I sang along anyway, and I'm pretty sure I aced that fucking falsetto. Halfway through the dog though, Javier turned the radio off. I reached to turn it back on, but he grabbed my wrist.
He looked over and narrowed his eyes at me.
"I really don't have the patience for you right now Fae, and I suggest you shut up, sit back, and accompany yourself with your thoughts."
"Yes Sir." I mocked, and he looked over and his eyes glistened in amusement, which was weird because he hated it when I mocked him...

Woah. We aren't going to my house. I started to panic, oh shit. He's taking me to the woods, to kill me!?
"What are you doing? Where are we going? I have pepper spray so back off." I said in a rush. He laughed.
"I'm taking you to a hotel. Your grandparents probably won't be happy with you like this."
"Pepper spray huh?"
I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. The bastard is making fun of me.
"Humph." I crossed my arms over my chest and he shook his head.

"And she says she's a grown woman."
"I AM."
"You know what? Stop the car because I'll walk you stupid douche canoe."
"No. Buckle your self belt back."
"Fae. I'm really running out of patience."
"OOOH. He's running out of patience! What do we do? What happens when your out hm?"
"Fae." His voice was dark.
"No really. I'm honestly wondering. What happens when the big bad Javier is out of patience?"
"FAE." He raised his voice.
"What are you? Hulk? You're just like my grandmother you know that? ALWAYS trying to control me. I'm done! I'm tired of being controlled."

"Being. Controlled. Is just what you need." He said, his voice husky.
"What is up with you and control? Why can't anyone take my side for once? It's stupid! Everyone thinks they can just go and control me and they can't!"
"Whatever you say."
"UGH. I hate it when you do that."
"Do what?" He looked at me confused and he smirked. "You hate it..when I let you have your way? Is that it Fae?"
"I-no. I don't know I just hate it when you do what you just did."
"And what I just did was let you have your way. I let you finish the fight. Maybe you like being controlled.
"No. I don't. I hate it. That's not what I meant."

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