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I nodded, unable to form words yet again in his demanding presence, and still partially mortified as well as confused as to why the hell I just called him Master.

"Alright Maysún, you need to get ready. I want you to go without makeup and with comfortable clothes. Very casual for the ride, and because I have clothing for you." He says as he traces my bottom lip with his thumb, his eyes soft pools of amber, his wet hair making him look sexy and carnal.

"Okay, when will we get there?" I ask, curiosity of the unknown gnawing at me with every minute. Relief floods me when he doesn't push on the whole slip up.

"You'll see. It is in LA. Get ready." I turn to walk out before jolting forward from a hard slap on my ass that made wetness pool between my legs. He chuckles with a dark smirk on reply to my playful glare.

I googled things to do in LA after throwing on some sweats and a T-shirt. None of the places matched something Javier would take me to show me something, as he had said before.

What would require him to bring my own clothes? Swimming? We could swim here, and not get in trouble for not just swimming.

Which is a high possibility when swimming with Javier.

A hand comes around and grabs my phone before I can even grasp what is happening.

"That. Is cheating Kitten. You won't find where I am taking you on Google, trust me." His eyes hold amusement. He looks sexy as hell in his gray sweats and black T-shirt, and I am greeted with his crotch while he stands in front of my sitting figure.

The slight bulge in his pants makes my mouth water, and I can't look away. Diverting my eyes with all of the strength I can muster, I look up at his face that holds a smile, his eyebrow raised in knowing. I glance away in embarrassment.

My eyes meet a huge tray of different foods: fruit, bacon stuff?, a really expensive looking bread that seemed to be stuffed with chocolate maybe? Along with yogurt parfaits.

"What is all this?" Javier looks over and follows my eyes.

"Oh..I made breakfast, but it is probably cold."

"What is it?" I walk over to the tray and point at the bacon resembling meat. "Is this ba-"

"Don't you dare say bacon. It is pancetta." he says precisely, like a rich man who's Bugatti was mistaken for a Honda. I raise my hands to show surrender, because he may just attack me for my ignorance.

"Please find it in yourself to forgive me. What is pancetta?"

"Heaven, little cat. Try it. This is a cornetto. It is filled with light chocolate and cream."

His eyes held slight an adorable excitement with the talk of food, foreign food that he had probably grown up with.

I took a bite out of the pancetta and resisted the urge to roll my eyes back at the taste.

This was no bacon.

"Oh my god."

"Here. Try this." he hands me the cornetto and I take a bite, a moan immediately escaping me at the blissful texture against my taste buds.

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