Fear, Feelings, and Confusion

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He stopped. I felt his lips slowly curve into a smug smile.

Dammit dammit dammit.

He pressed his harder into my neck, groaning. He took a deep breath, and before I knew it, he was gone. He sat in his seat as if nothing had happened at all, a ghost of a smile on his face.

Is he serious?

I sat back down in my seat quietly, staring straight ahead. I was fuming. Partly because I was literally hot and bothered, but mostly because he seduced me into doing something yet again.

How could I be so weak? How could I let my guard down like that twice?

"Gerald. Come."
I looked over to see that he had pressed the button.
"Y-yes Sir." Gerald stuttered into the phone, making Javier slightly smirk sadistically. He enjoyed the fact that Gerald was afraid of him; it gave him a sense of power. That was who he truly was.

I looked at his features while he was gazing out the window in his own world. I watched as his masculine jaw clenched as he thought, his full bottom lip slightly sucked in. His deep eyes were almost hidden through his full, dark lashes, and I noticed that the hair along his prominent jaw was unshaven, making him look rugged and sexy. His olive skin was beautiful, and I immediately found myself comparing it to mine, which was anything but. His hair was messier than usual, probably from my hands..

Which brought me back to his lips. They were perfect really. Almost girly, but leveled out perfectly with the rest of his face, which was anything but girly.

His lips started to move, and I realized he was saying something.

What did he say? My mind couldn't register it.

His lips curved into that stupid smirk he had perfected. Shit. I was caught.

"You know Kitten, when we go back to your Grandparents, you will need to at least try not to swoon over me." He said.

I brought my eyes back up and into his deep brown ones.
"YOURE the one that practically JUMPED me!" I said, a little bit too defensive. He raised an eyebrow at me.
"I did no such thing."

So now he was in a grand mood? What kind of Bipolar was this? His mood swings were giving me a headache.

"You called Sir?" I looked over to see a man with brown hair and the bluest eyes I've ever seen.

Oh my god. Are you Nash Grier? I sucked in a breath at how they almost looked fake.

Not as pretty as Javier's sinister, predatory ones though, I thought before I could catch myself. Stop that.

I then realized I was staring at him with the holy-shit-I-met-a-member-of-Magcon-look. Javier narrowed his eyes at me, his jaw set. What the hell is his problem?

"Why the hell are you here?" he all but yelled at the poor guy.
"Uh.. Gerald sent me Sir, he's busy at the moment." Nash said.
"Connor, when I ask for Gerald. I. Want. Gerald. Leave."
"I apologize.. Sir," he said Sir almost sarcastically, and by the look on Javier's face, hell was about to break loose. "But Gerald is and will be busy for quite a while, he said that earlier he was checking on your drinks if that was what you called for."

"Okay. Leave. I want Dante." He gritted through his teeth. What was wrong with Connor?

Connor looked as if he was wondering the same thing.
"I can assist you Mr. Maraz." He said, a confused look on his face. He looked as if he was becoming impatient.

The tension in the room was thicker than Nicki Minaj, and to be honest I was starting to worry about Connor's safety.

"Did I say I wanted-" I cleared my throat.
"Uh well you can do something for me..?" I cut in, my voice unsure.
Connor smiled a breathtaking smile.

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