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A piecemeal reef protruded from the endless sea level, this is a good place that Deng Xi found recently.

The reefs here have no sharp corners, which will not scratch Deng Xi, and there are no large fish nearby, only some gentle small fish.

Deng Xi is safe here.

Deng Xi was lying on a reef, with wet blond hair draped softly on Bai Jie's back, his tail was a blue color close to the sky, light, gradually changing to dark blue at the tail, blending with the dark blue sea .

Deng Xi kept slapping the sea water with his tail, and said softly, "I saw a bunch of beautiful small stones on the bottom of the sea yesterday. I'll take you to see them later, okay?"

No one responded to him, because Deng Xi was telling the little fish that swam up to it that this little fish seemed to like Deng Xi very much and had lingered by his side for a long time.

Deng Xi continued to talk to himself: "When you finish watching the stone with me, I'll make you my dinner today."

Xiaoyu: "..."

The little fish couldn't understand, it was spitting bubbles.

Deng Xi turned over and fell into the sea, also spitting bubbles.

There is no land on this planet, only the sea, and there is only him, a mermaid, in the sea. He is very weak and can't fight other large fish. He can only catch these small fish to eat.

But the weak mermaid can't even swim small fish. Deng Xi is often hungry and can only eat a little seaweed. If he can eat meat, it will be a big meal!

The little fish swam up above Deng Xi, kissing the tip of his nose affectionately, and the swaying fish tail poked out all the bubbles that Deng Xi spit out.

Deng Xi, who was so bored that his only pleasure was spitting bubbles: "?"

Deng Xi puffed his face: "I'll eat you later."

Xiaoyu: "..."

Xiao Yu rubbed Deng Xi's face.

The little mermaid with teeth and claws looked away uncomfortably, and rubbed her stomach again.

so hungry.

There are few gentle fishes in the nearby sea area, and they stayed for a short time. Deng Xi could only take the opportunity to catch a few to fill his stomach, and then watched them swim away.

The one rubbing against him now is a stupid little fish, separated from the hordes of groups, sticking to Deng Xi's side and refusing to leave.

The little fish obviously didn't know what Deng Xi was thinking. It spit out a bubble, which was punctured by Deng Xi's nose.

Deng Xi waved it away impatiently, muttering with a stern face, "Before I regret it..."

The little fish was swung away and swam back again.

Deng Xi: "..."

Deng Xi's stomach started snoring again.

All right, if you don't leave, it will be his food.

"Don't think I'm reluctant to eat..." Deng Xi hadn't finished speaking when a loud bang suddenly came from a distance, which was deafening.

Deng Xi, who was startled, swam out of the sea in a daze and looked in the direction of the sound. He guessed that it was the sound of some large fish jumping on the sea surface, but Deng Xi hoped that he guessed wrong. Those big fish have such big mouths and sharp teeth that they can swallow three lanterns in one bite!

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