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El on the side couldn't help showing a smile, she finally knew what Blue Tail's name was.

"A nice name."

"Your tail is so beautiful."

"You're the best looking alien I've ever seen."

"I hope we can get along well in the future."

Deng Xi pursed his lips slightly, and did not agree to the last sentence, because he might not stay for too long, but he slightly bent his eyes, and said "thank you" for the previous compliment.

His thinking about humans has changed a little bit.

Deng Xi thought seriously, only a little bit remains to be seen, and he can make a thorough decision when he finds the little mute and sees how the little mute is doing now.

The scene was a bit chaotic.

Al coughed lowly, "Okay, are you guys so free today?"

Someone glanced at the brain and reported, "I don't know why, people of different races are extraordinarily quiet today, and I haven't heard any news of people of other races going crazy."

"Me too."

"It seems that as soon as Deng Xi came, there was no news."

"I just have time to take a look at our new national treasure."

Deng Xi listened to their discussion quietly, and suddenly asked, "Can I go and see other people of other races?"

Al replied, "Of course, don't worry, let's go and see your new home first?"

Deng Xi's new home is an entire underwater world opened up for him by the scientific research institute alone. Except for the pedestrian passage, the rest are separated by sufficiently hard transparent tempered glass.

He jumped into the pool from the water tank and dived all the way along the channel to reach this entire underwater world. Except that there are no other sea creatures, the simulation is no different from the sea.

There are coral reefs that Deng Xi is familiar with, seaweeds everywhere, shells hidden on the gray sand, starfish, and small conch shells.

A man-made sea without danger.

Deng Xi felt unreal and dreamy. He swam back to the pool and found a large whitening shell twice his size in the corner.

Deng Xi swam over curiously.

The appearance of the large shell was very similar to his old shells in the sea, with some red coral reefs stuck on it with clay.

If it wasn't for the fact that the method of gluing it on was too rusty and childish, making the big shell look a bit ugly, Deng Xi would have thought it was his old shell in the sea.

Who did this?

Deng Xi swam back to the pool and asked impatiently, "Is that big shell for me?"

Ai Er nodded slightly, "Yes, it is specially prepared for you."

Deng Xi's eyes lit up, "Who gave it to me?"

Al said, "It's someone you just met today."

When the military department sent it over, he didn't tell her that he couldn't tell Deng Xi, so Aier smiled and said directly, "The marshal of the military department."

Deng Xi's thought was completely different from Aier's answer. He was stunned for a while, and then remembered the solemn silhouette that passed by just now, and disappeared with joy. He responded in a low voice, and asked curiously, "Why did you give it to me?" ?”

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