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"The Alexander galaxy is adjacent to the empire. Their defense line has been invaded by the Zerg, and it may affect the f galaxy belt group of the Empire. Marshal, if necessary, can the scientific research institute provide biological weapon assistance against the Zerg?"

Chattering reports.

"On the premise that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has negotiated good conditions with the king of the Alexander galaxy, it can be approved."

The cold male voice passed through the dream, blurred as if separated by a layer of membrane, but seemed close at hand.

"The skeletons were distributed in the last stronghold of the empire, Captain Ross, requested to lead troops to destroy it."

"The execution is approved, and the safety of the hostages has the priority."


"Marshal, the Alien Convention we drafted was rejected by the Star Alliance again on the grounds that it lacks the seal of the royal family."

There was a long silence.

The person in charge of the meeting lowered his silver eyes indifferently, his expression was uncertain. The atmosphere of this meeting became dead silent in an instant, and no one dared to speak out.

Obviously the marshal is on the top floor, but the secretary-general who was forced to arrange today's schedule as an online meeting was tense, and the adjutant did not dare to take a breath.

To put it bluntly, the Star Alliance just doesn't want to deal with it. I don't know how many reasons they have thought of over the years to refuse it. However, the military has no way to do it. Every time the marshal hears the news, he will be depressed for a few days, and he will take the officers under his hands to practice crazily. .

The adjutant predicted his future in the next few days, and there was nothing more sad than heartbreak. The next second, he heard a low voice with a touch of temperature in his ear, "Are you awake?"

The colonels and officers, who were waiting tremblingly for the marshal to give orders, looked at each other in disbelief, with weird expressions, and suppressed it hard, not daring to show any strangeness.

In the video, the marshal removed the headset, and they could only hear another vague human voice. Although they couldn't hear what they were saying, the tone was very attractive.

This was followed by the marshal's soft reply.

"Sorry, I was too noisy, do you want to sleep for a while?"

The adjutant looked at the unbelievable expressions on his colleagues, didn't the marshal just apologize? There's nothing to make a fuss about, the corners of his brows twitched, and he's seen even more unbelievable things.

Rarely, the Secretary-General exchanged a tacit look with the adjutant.

Deng Xi was indeed woken up, and there were human voices whispering in his ears, and the little mermaid couldn't sleep well, and her pillow tossed and turned on her lap that was warmed by him.

Turning over for a while, rubbing his face for a while, the blue fish tail that had fallen to the ground was put into the operating flying chair, and the sea water turned into mist sprayed out continuously.

"Speak no more."

"Don't make me sleep..."

Deng Xi, who was half asleep and half awake, murmured in his sleep, but because the voice was too low, it was covered by the voice in the headset. Finally, Deng Xi opened his eyes unbearably, and looked angrily at the source of the sound, "Little dumb!"

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