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The endless sea level was shimmering under the golden sunlight, Deng Xi was lying on the reef on the sea surface, flicking his blue tail fin, throwing off waves of water.

Deng Xi turned over and looked carefully at the black iron ring in his hand and the blue screen connected to the ring that appeared out of thin air.

He nodded curiously with his fingertips.

Obviously what he touched was air, but the content displayed on the blue screen changed. Deng Xi's eyes lit up, as if he saw a new toy, he began to point at the soldiers indiscriminately.

I don't know what he pressed, the blue screen suddenly went black, and there was even a burst of white noise.

He shouldn't be messed up.

Deng Xi withdrew his hand in a hurry, touching his new toy distressedly.

Suddenly, the blue screen suddenly lit up, and a clear figure appeared.

Imperial Capital Star, Presbyterian Church.

Half an hour ago, when the scientific research institute captured the marshal's optical brain signal, not only the military headquarters was notified, but the elders also got the news.

A few days ago, the marshal led the empire to an unprecedented battle with the Federation. All the people of the empire thought they would win this battle, because they had a god of war who belonged to the empire alone. The powerful Imperial Marshal of the Empire.

No one would believe that the Marshal of the Empire, who was victorious in all battles and led the empire to expand its territory, would one day be defeated.

But the fact is true, the empire lost.

All the soldiers of the Empire died under the mechs of the Federation, and all the battleships of the Empire were destroyed in the boundless space. Even their marshal disappeared, as if he died in this battle.

Only the military department still insisted that their marshal was just missing. Just before the royal family and the Presbyterian Council were about to announce the marshal's death, the marshal's terminal brain suddenly recovered the signal.

This news was urgently suppressed, and now only the upper echelons of the empire know about it.

People from all sides wanted to get in touch with the Marshal immediately. The Council of Elders, who had never dealt with the military, was even more anxious than the military. However, the Council of Elders did not expect that the Marshal would choose them as the first person to communicate.

After the elder saw the prompt from the light brain, his face turned green. On that wrinkled face, it was difficult to see other expressions except old age, but at that moment, the elder who had been in power for many years unexpectedly There was a bit of panic.

At the round table meeting, the other elders found something unusual, "Your Excellency?"

The elder waved his hand, "There is a communication."

After all, he stood up and went to the rear compartment, locked the door tightly, and pressed the answer button with trembling hands. In a moment, his guilty face returned to its usual stability. As soon as the communication was connected, the elder asked nervously, " Marshal, you—"

Before he finished speaking, the elder froze when he saw the strange face on the blue screen.

A young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

The old man was slightly dazed, and then he squinted his old-fashioned eyes, thinking in his heart that the person who connected was not the marshal, so how did this young man get the marshal's optical brain?

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