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Chapter 7

Louis' POV

I knew something was wrong; I just didn't know what. Just the thought alone frightened me. I cared about her so much that I couldn't really explain it.

Maybe she was just having an off week; I shouldn't worry about it too much. I couldn't help but notice though, but I'm sure it will pass over time. For now, I would just shrug it off.

At the moment, Dani and El were talking up a storm behind the group. They weren't close enough to make out what they were talking about, but I knew it was important.

Shaking my head at my silly thoughts, I turned back around. My feet were starting to ache from all the walking we were doing.

A loud and long honk sounded from behind us. Jumping from shock, I spun around on my heels. A minivan was speeding towards the two clueless girls.

Harry, who also wasn't paying attention, was jerked out of the way by me. The three other lads along with Perrie, scurried away quickly. Danielle's loud scream pierced through the air.

The car crashed into both of the girls, easily knocking them off their feet. Panicked screams sounded from each of us. The reckless car passed, not caring about the accident they caused.

My eyes filled with tears as I realized what had actually happened. The two of us were the first to reach our girlfriends.

"Eleanor!" I cry, looking at her limp body.

Endless tears were streaming down my face; the only thought that was going through my mind was that she might die.

"Call the emergency number!" Liam yelled, supporting Dani's head with his hands.

Right away, Perrie took out her phone and started dialing the emergency number. My hands shook effortlessly, the tears flooding like a dam.

"Eleanor," I desperately try to get any response out of her.

This approach seems to work. Her eyelashes flutter open, but only just barely. She was hanging on by a thread, I knew that much.

"Louis?" She groans loudly, her tone full of pain.

Hope flutters in my stomach, but only for a split second. The panic was only bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

"Eleanor, oh goodness! We're calling the emergency room, stay awake," I beg, holding her hand tightly.

She winces at the touch of my hand, her eyes squeezing shut from the pain. I instantly feel horrible for not pushing her out of the way.

"Everything hurts," she cries, small tears leaking out of her beautiful eyes.

Something caught me off guard; it looked like she had contacts in. This time though they looked unnatural. Maybe I was just looking it over too much.

"W-what's going to happen?" She stuttered before closing her eyes.

A gasp escaped my mouth; she couldn't be leaving me! My whole body started to shake in horror. I almost let out a loud scream.

"No, please don't leave me!" I whimpered without knowing; I couldn't hold it in.

She didn't respond so I started pulling on my hair, sobbing extremely loud. I've never dealt with such pain in my life and I didn't like it one bit.

"Lou," Harry bites his lip, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

I couldn't help but snap at him. I was in a situation that no person should have to be in.

"What Harry?" I snap, brushing away some of my tears.

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