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Chapter 30

A long month has passed since that dreadful date. Things were going alright, but I had a nagging feeling that something was going to happen. At the moment, everything was going great in the romance department.

Eleanor and Louis made up a while back; they started dating again. Louis admitted it was a mistake on his part on letting her go. I smiled, remembering how they made up; such a wonderful memory.

Niall finally managed to steal Elisha's heart not too long ago, but she was still a little wary on the whole thing. I didn't blame her, the only other boyfriend she had cheated on her.

Harry was still with Eliisa but they did have their fights every once in a while. I could tell Harry had a problem with keeping a relationship but he seems to want to keep this one.

The wedding was still quite a while away but I could tell the couple wanted it to be as soon as possible. Right now the boys had left for a small tour around two countries.

My relationship with Liam was going on strong; he had asked me to be his girlfriend about two weeks ago. All of us missed the guys but it was their life, we just had to deal with it.

"Hey Eva, we're going to the shops!" Eleanor's perky voice traveled up the stairs.

The girls and I had this massive house all to ourselves for the time being while they were away. I sighed, propping myself on my elbows.

"Okay, bye!" I yelled back, letting my head fall against the pillow.

I smiled to myself as I ran over the way Liam asked me to be his girlfriend. The word was still foreign to my tongue.


It was a bittersweet, cold day. I was still curious about my relationship with Liam. He has been acting a little odd lately, for some reason. It's only been two weeks from that one date but it feels like forever.

I was currently sitting outside on the front porch, enjoying the weather. The bitter wind blew in my face, gently caressing my skin. My thoughts were endless, as normal. It was hard to have a blank mind when so many things have happened in my life.

"Hey Angie, take a walk with me?"

He was in a suit but I didn't take much mind to it, even though it was unusual. He had his hand stuffed in his pockets, his gaze towards the concrete porch.

His wording reminded me of a cliche line, making me instantly worry that something bad was going to happen. I bit my lip nervously, holding in a sigh.

"I would love to," I spoke gently, staring up at him.

He sighed quietly in what seemed like relief. Both of us traveled down the sidewalk, in silence. I've always liked walks; it was a great time to talk to someone. Walking at night was one of my favorite pass times.

The silence was comforting but I could tell Liam was struggling with it. He kept fidgeting and couldn't keep still. I sighed through my nose, keeping my eyes on the damp floor.

"Let's stop here," Liam murmured, leading me over to the swings.

The swings creaked under our weight but that didn't stop us. My breathing was rigid and no matter how I tried to stop, I couldn't. I couldn't help but think of horrible thoughts as we sat in the quietness.

Did he never like me? Was he lying when he said he was over Danielle? As a girl, I've always had my insecurities, like all other girls. Any girl would be lucky to have Liam; he's such a sweet and caring guy.

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