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"My hair isn't done yet!"

It's been a hectic day and honestly, I don't know how I'm not dead on my feet. My body ached from standing so much. My tight fitting dress wasn't helping either.

Perrie wanted to make sure everything was perfect but I couldn't blame her; if it were my wedding I would want the same. Right now she was complaining about her hair, which looked perfectly fine.

I sighed to myself; it was so tempting to sit on the floor right now. Every time I would try though, I would be scolded. Huffing, I shifted on my feet, trying to get rid of the pain.

"Girls, chop chop, we have ten minutes until we have to get out there!" The stylist, Izzy, urged us.

I bet that each and every one of us groaned. Elisha was fiddling with her hands beside me; was extremely nervous. I on the other hand, was worse. I felt like throwing up any second and it wasn't even my wedding!

I'm sure all the fans were feeling the same way though; I just hope they don't crash the wedding. That would just be plain unacceptable. I shook away my silly thoughts; there was no time to be wasting.

"Darling, I need to touch up your makeup," Blu, the makeup artist, stressed while throwing her hands up.

Since Perrie didn't have to worry about money, she made sure to get every person possible for this wedding. I personally think it's a bit much but it's not my wedding or choice.

Rolling my eyes, I sigh and walk over to her. She pushes me down in a chair and starts with my makeup for the third time. After being caked with makeup, again, she sighs contently.

"You look fabulous! I'm done, I'm done," she smiles smugly, giving a small shake of the head.

I give her a tight smile as a thank you before heading over to the girls. They all look completely beautiful where as I look completely plain. At least that's what I think. Just standing next to them makes me insecure.

Sighing quietly, I bite back the thought. This wasn't my day; it was Perrie's. I would probably be reminding myself this the whole day.

"Brides maid's, out! We still need to do the finishing touches on the bride. Go find your seats," Izzy instructed; she was one bossy woman.

Each of us nodded but for Perrie. We were rushed out of the room. The banquet hall was decorated lovely but it wasn't only half of it. We still had yet to see the main room.

"This is so exciting," Eleanor whispers, literally bouncing up and down.

I never knew she could be so energetic; she really was a lot like Louis. They've both changed though, with the events that had happened. I've changed to but for the better; I knew that much.

"I'm super nervous, I don't really know why," I murmur back, my voice extremely low.

She smiles slyly, silently agreeing with me. For once, it was nice to see everyone so happy. We all have our problems but right now, it seemed too perfect. Not that I didn't mind, but life was always better with ups and downs.

"I can understand; we're watching one of our best friends' is getting married! Who wouldn't be nervous about that? Plus our boyfriends are here, only adding to it," she comments in a teasing voice.

I sigh lightly, my shoulders slumping. I wanted to mess with my hair but I knew I would have to be killed if I touched it. Smiling slightly, I shook my head at the thought of the crazy stylist.

Looking at the rest of the girls, I noticed that Eliisa was being more quiet than usual. This really seemed cliché, the five of us being One Direction's girlfriend's, and one being a soon to be wife.

At least we weren't all friends in the beginning; that would have been extremely cliche. It was amazing how fast relationships can be.

"Eliisa, are you alright?" I whisper, too loudly, into her ear.

Startled, she jumps and turns towards me. A frightened look cast on her face but once she realized it was just me, she relaxed.

"Yeah, just a little worried about the whole thing," she sighs stressfully, looking at the entrance of the room where the wedding was being held.

The room was completely beautiful and the design was perfect. The theme was white and purple, matching Perrie effortlessly. Since Perrie hadn't planned the wedding, since Zayn wanted it to be a surprise, she hasn't had a clue of what it looks like.

The room was filled with chatter, some I recognized, others I didn't. The room was massive; it must have taken ages to decorate. That was the least of my problems though.

I realized that Danielle was standing beside her date, shocking me. She must have been invited without me knowing. I grinned in her direction, as to her attention was on me.

Her gaze changed though as she settled on Eleanor. Surprise and joy fitted her features. She looked eager to come over. Before I knew it, she was hugging Eleanor.

That's right; she never did see her after she left for her 'job.' I smiled at the two of them, glad that they were catching up.

My breath caught in my throat as I watched my boyfriend causally chat with his best friends. He looked absolutely stunning and handsome in his tux, carelessly talking.

He's changed so much, ever since I've met him. His looks have changed a lot, better in my opinion but he would still be perfect if he still looked the same. Now I sounded like some sappy romance girl.

"I really need to grow up," I chuckled to myself, almost slapping myself on the forehead for talking aloud.

Just staring at him across the room, made me realize something; dating isn't just for dating. It's for finding the one you will love the rest of your life. Any other way would bring heartache.

This I what I wanted, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. It may be too soon to call it love but I could defiantly tell that the feelings would arise. Life wasn't perfect but it was worth the pain. Everything happens for a reason. Sighing in content, I smiled a genuine smile.


I hope you enjoyed reading this fan fiction! There will be no sequel, just a heads up. Comment and vote <3 Thanks so much for being loyal fans. Stay beautiful!

Wow, this book is 170 pages on word 0.0

© piercingwings 2013


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