Puppet master

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Leonardo sighed deeply and closed his eyes as he leant back on his bed, he just wanted to get a good night's rest for once, but Angello already screwed up in less than 24 hours.

Was it even worth it anymore? He could just leave Angello stranded there, he'd probably figure something out. Leo could change his number so that Angello has no way to contact him, that sounded like an incredible and stress-free plan.
But he wouldn't do it, the image of Angello's mother lingered in his mind, and he knew he couldn't do that to her. He couldn't harm Angello, just for her.

He glanced at the door when he heard it opening, and watched his wife, Agnes, walk in.
She looked very angry, and Leo could already tell why.

"So?" she demanded while slamming the door shut behind herself, "Didn't we agree we won't let Zachary go to the states, what happened to that!?"

Leo covered his mouth and yawned, before looking at her again, "I sent someone to take care of him."

"Oh god, that assassin right!? Lopez, whatever his first name was- Out of all people you should know not to trust that family!" she snapped.

"He's different, much different." he explained.

"Yeah okay I'll trust you cause you're just sooo good at analyzing people." she spat, "He's an assasin, just like his father, and just like-"

"Stop." Leo ordered, "Enough, for fucks sake." he hissed while standing up.

"Excuse me?" Agnes asked.

"You barely know anything, and all your logic is based on judgement." he growled.

"No, my logic is based on the fact that I actually studied both psychology and business-" she began, but was quickly interrupted by Leo.

"Really? But you still made the decision to leave your own family business and leech onto mine!" he yelled out, "That wasn't smart, psychologically or from a business perspective, but you still did it, didn't you!?"

Agnes' eye twitched, before she took a deep breath and stepped closer to her husband, "I wouldn't have had to do that if you'd used a fucking condom."

"Had to do that? God, you really flatter yourself." he scoffed, "You could've just given birth to the kid and left, but you didn't, who's decision was that?"

"Left my own son!" she cried, "Just abandoned him!?"

"You wouldn't have abandoned him, he would've stayed with me."

"That's even worse." she spat, "You'd tell me all the time how scared you were of turning into your father, and the good news is you didn't turn into him, you're much worse. Never in a million years would I leave my boys with you, of all people."

"Your boys!?" Leo roared, "They're my sons too, what would you have done without me!?"

"I would've gone back to my father and lived the life that was meant for me!"

Leo narrowed his eyes and stepped even closer to her, "If you were willing to sacrifice all that for a guy you dated for 7 months, then it wasn't the life you deserved."

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