
13 2 1

CW: murder.


The man sat at his desk, staring at the dull white floor in front of him. The only sound heard throughout his cramped office was the cool wind from the air conditioner. Quiet, but not peacful. All because fear filled his heart, and worry filled his head.
Today was the day he'd die, he didn't know how, but it would happen.

Was it because of his shaky hands, when truly nothing was wrong? Or was it his ears ringing?

He felt someone behind him. No, he knew someone was behind him.
Quick and stealthy, no time wasted, then the cold and sharp metal of the blade was against his neck.

He stared ahead, he'd really die here of all places. In his stuffy office, wearing a suit, wasn't that just ironic? After him and his mother had a heated discussion about his obsession with climbing the corporate ladder. And all for what?

His throat was dry, completely the opposite of his teary eyes, "Why?" he rasped, not even glancing back at the person.

Then the metal was away from his neck, not slowly either, it was quick and quiet. A silent decision that this assasin had made.

"You're just like me, right?" the man asked, "You're trying to get through life too- trying- trying to survive! Spare me!" he instantly stood up and turned to look back at the other person.

Most of their face was hidden, but their eyes sharp and cold, they truly felt no sympathy for him.

It was another man.
No, a boy.
Not a young boy, but a teenager, based on his size and bodily proportions.

"Why?" the man asked once again, more demanding this time, as he took a confident step closer.

Before he could anticipate it, the sharp blade struck his stomach, and just as quick as it had entered it was harshly pulled out.

The man stared at his stomach, simply too shocked to move. Slowly he brought his hands to the wound and covered it, put pressure on it, anything!
He didn't deserve this! He couldn't die like this, he wouldn't give up!

But giving up simply seemed so easy, his head was spinning, and his legs felt like two twigs he couldn't walk on. The assasin wasn't there anymore, he'd left the same way he'd come.
Through the window.


Angello fell through the window and onto the staff room floor, he quickly stood up again, but the bottom half of his face was aching from the fall.

The ran into the bathroom to wash his hands, putting so much liquid soap on his right hand that it began to spill from his cupped palm and into the sink.
But no amount of soap was enough to wipe off the smell of blood. That was an exaggeration, of course this would be enough.

He carefully turned on the tab with his left hand, and - using his power - washed his hands at an unbelievable pace.

Then he quickly used his t-shirt to dry his hands, it's not like he'd keep wearing these clothes anyway.
He then took a deep breath, and walked out of the bathroom, towards the lockers.

He opened his own and got dressed into his work uniform and put his apron on, struggling to tie it around hid waist for just a few seconds, but he was in no hurry to clock in, because before doing any of that, he'd have a talk with the owner of the diner.

He took a deep breath, and put his crossbody bag and clothes in the locker, before closing it, then putting it's key in his pocket.

Then he walked to the office where the owner would be, the owner who'd hired Angello to murder the man his wife was cheating on him with.


Angello stared at the radio blankly, as he listened to the song by some artist named Britney Spears, who was encouraging abuse for some reason.

Kamnan was in the kitchen whistling the tune of the song as he cooked. He'd been doing that for the past few days, making sure Angello got two meals a day.
He thought he was sneaky about it, but the truth of the matter was, Angello did know that he was trying to take care of him, and as long as it was just the meals, Angello didn't mind it that much.

He wasn't sure why Kamnan was being nice, maybe he was secretly plotting against Angello. But that wasn't a scary thought, as tall as Kamnan was, he lacked upper-body strength, so Angello wasn't all that worried.

Kamnan suddenly turned the heat down for one of the two pots he was cooking something in, and walked towards the front door.
He looked through the peephole before opening the door.


"Huh?" the guy asked tiredly, Zachary could only assume this was Angello's friend who he now lived with, who else would it be?

"I'm uh- here for Angello," Zachary said while giving a small smile, making both his dimples visible.

"He's dead." the guy stated.

Zachary frowned and looked over his shoulder, "Uhm- he's on the couch?"

"You caught me." he stated again, as emotionless as his previous statement was. He looked back at Angello, "There's some long leprechaun here to see you!" he called out to him.

Zachary could see Angello hop up and walk towards the door. He noticed Angello's eyes widen slightly at seeing him, but he instantly regained his composure.

Angello's friend/roommate then walked off to somewhere Zachary couldn't see.

He looked down at Angello and took a deep breath, "Could we talk- privately?"

Angello's eyes went even wider than they had been before and he quickly looked around outside the apartment, before stepping out and closing the door behind him.

They now stood very close to each other, and Angello looked up at Zachary.
The older of the two found himself.. mesmerized in a way. How was this guy an assassin? Even if Angello wasn't technically the most harmless person Zachary had met, he was still so cute in such a strange way, even being an assasin.

But he somehow looked as if he was confused, part of him was so very confused, and that was visible in his eyes specifically, Zachary didn't need his power to see that.

"Angello, I have a deal, that'd benefit both of us." Zachary began as he took a step away from Angello, "You'll pretend to still be- uh, my secret assasin dude, but, you'll have to help me break into the school's my family owns."

Angello stared up at him blankly, before slowly nodding, "And I'll continue pretending to work for you.. For as long as I need?" he asked.

"Months, years, whatever it takes, you'll continue updating my dad about me and all that- just, are you gonna help me or not?" he asked impatiently.

Angello quickly nodded, "Yes- of course." he extended his hand out for Zachary to shake it, "Deal."

Zachary gently took his hand and shook it, "This is only professional- none of that stuff in my apartment, right?"

"Right, of course." Angello nodded again, then they slowly let go of each other's hands.

"Meet me at my apartment tommorow, at 8am, it's a long way to Sparrows and Finches."

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