Chapter 38

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Ainsley's POV

It was pretty late when we finally got checked into the hotel. We met up with a few of Trinity's cousins who were still in the lobby. We talked to them for a little while before heading up to our room. I didn't talk much, and as we took the elevator up she made fun of me. 

"You were all nervous looking. You were so shy! You're never like that!" She laughed. "You said, 'ummmm, hi.' AND LOOKED AT THE GROUND!" 

"You know, this is extremely unattractive." I sighed, opening my phone to send Ashley a text letting her know we made it. 

She clicked the button to go to the fourth floor, but we only made it up one floor before it stopped. 

"I didn't know I could turn you-" She started, but I threw my right hand over her mouth and gently pulled her hair with the other as a whole group of people with their bags got into the elevator. 

She backed closer to me, trying to make room for the others. But the group of people seemed to be endless, and I couldn't tell you why there were this many fucking people getting into an elevator at 11:30pm, but here we are. 

I sighed and pulled my suitcase closer to me as Trin backed so far that she bumped into me. 

"Ace move back." She whispered as the doors closed. 

"I fucking can't, Trina. Can't you see that I'm literally as far in this corner as anyone can be?" 

"Well you're little, you can go farther." 

I sighed and tried to ignore her, which was hard considering she was right on top of me. 

When we pushed through the million people and out of the elevator onto our floor, our room was at the very end of the hallway. 

She took the key and unlocked it, and I put my suitcase against the wall and flopped on the closest bed. 

"I'm fucking burned. I can't imagine you right now." I said as she turned on the light. 

"I'm exhausted." She went into the bathroom, and I got up to put my clothes in my half of the the dresser. 

Then I got up and put my makeup and stuff right by the bathroom door so I remembered to put it away when she came out. She opened the door and scared the living shit out of me, grabbing me around my waist and turning me around to face her. 

"What the hell?"

"It's just us, Ace." She whispered. 

"What do you want?" 

"You said you'd give me one last chance." 

"No, I said I'd pretend not to hate you around your family and see how that felt." 

"You don't have to pretend." 

I was quiet. 

"I know you don't hate me." 

I was still quiet. 

"You can deny it all you want, you don't hate me."

In the long pause, all I could hear was my heavy breathing, my eyes fixated on her lips. 

"Why are you here then?"

I grabbed her chin and kissed her, not being able to resist anymore. 

I reached for the light switch next to me without pulling away. 

"I didn't even start to unpack." She whispered. 

"Fuck unpacking." I breathed, making her smile until she kissed me again. 

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