0. A Lady's Deepest Secret

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He could handle her.

He possessed the ability to handle her, and that truth resounded within him, igniting his determination. It propelled him to resist. Thus, while she straddled him, her contemptuous smirk gracing her face, her supple, bouncing bosom tempting him, he fought back.

Keenan extended his hands and firmly grasped her ample breasts, applying pressure with conviction, before twisting her nipples forcefully. And as he did so, he began to thrust into her.

Repetitively squeezing her voluptuous breasts as they jiggled above him, the round flesh slipping through his fingers. "I thought a whore like yourself would be more of a thrill than this."

Her eyes flashed with concealed rage as she somehow intensified her movements, forcefully colliding with him.

If an unsuspecting individual were to enter through the front door and hear the reverberating springs from the bed upstairs, the headboard forcefully striking the wall, and the audible sound of skin meeting skin with intensity, it would undoubtedly be apparent that passionate, yet rough, lovemaking was transpiring.

"Do you not comprehend the concept of silence?" the insolent seductress retaliated. "You are such a detestable imbecile. I mean honestly, who would give you a second glance?! You lack wealth, possess an unappealing appearance, and lead a pitiful existence. You're a lowlife. You are the epitome of embarrassment."

"Yeah?" His throaty chuckle resonated with menace as he continued to thrust into her. "So how does this work then? You let all embarrassing lowlifes in your used up pussy? No wonder my dick feels like it's burning off, you must let just about anything in here."

Unable to conceal his disdain for her, he seized her nipples and twisted them roughly.

She emitted a startled scream, but as she did, her arousal intensified, and her core clenched in pleasure.

"There is not a single pleasing quality about you that would satisfy any man." Consumed by anger, he continued to squeeze her breasts forcefully, utilizing the pressure to alleviate his rage.

"You're a slut. Grasping at straws. Trying to get people to like this little princess act of yours but it doesn't work on me." He spat out with pure venom. "Because I can see you for what you really are. A pathetic little whore."

"And you're just a little boy." Jana retorted, still driving her wet pussy onto him. "A little boy who lives under his big brother's shadow. A boy who can't have a real relationship with a girl cause he's too hung up on his dead wife. He can't have sex with a girl without imaging her in her place. What a twisted piece of shit you turned out to be."

The low blow would've hit hard had he not seen it coming.

She aimed to break him, but he was unyielding in his determination to witness her unravel, to witness her plea for mercy. Yet, he would never grant her that mercy.

"If all of that is indeed true," the infuriated man spat, forcefully thrusting his engorged member back into her. "Then what about your distorted reality? Remaining here, pretending to have a home with a man who views you as nothing more than a live-in sex toy. Do you truly believe he desires someone as deluded and messed up as you? If I am insane, my dear, you are utterly deranged."

They continued their passionate encounter, each refusing to give an inch, except for the inches he relentlessly drove into her.

Neither of them wished to acknowledge the sheer pleasure they derived from their intimate connection, nor the skill the other possessed in satisfying their desires.

To admit such would signify defeat, as if confessing to the enjoyment implied that the other excelled in the realm of sexual prowess.

They both struggled to maintain their composure, to appear composed and unaffected.

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