32. Breathe

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Everything was aligning perfectly.

They needed him.

Keenan's amusement danced in his vacant eyes, though his expression remained as motionless as ever. "Do I appear to care about the King's demands?" he scoffed, his tone dripping with condescension and mockery.

The guard released a weary sigh. "Prince Keenan, it is a direct order from the King. I'm afraid it's beyond my control."

It wasn't as though the prince lacked his own possessions, he had plenty. In fact, he currently resided in one of his countless vacation homes around the world when armed men pounded on his door in the midnight hour.

"Listen, Geoffrey, how long have we known each other?"

His response was immediate. "Fifteen years, sir."

"Hmm," the man pondered, glancing beyond the curt figure to observe the other men standing guard. "Ah, yes. Fifteen years is quite a substantial amount of time, wouldn't you agree? Ample time for you to anticipate my answer, oui?"

Geoffrey shifted uncomfortably, the weight of his duty pressing heavily on his shoulders. "Sir, I understand your frustration, but the King insists. He believes your skills are crucial for the upcoming mission. He says it's a matter of national security."

Keenan leaned against the doorframe, his eyes narrowing as he considered the guard's words. The prince was well aware of his capabilities and the reputation he had built over the years.

His expertise in covert operations and intelligence gathering was unmatched, but that didn't mean he was obligated to serve the King's every command.

A mischievous smile tugged at the corner of Keenan's lips. "Tell me, Geoffrey, what is this mission that holds such importance? Why does the King suddenly need my expertise?"

Geoffrey hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much he should reveal. He knew the prince had a knack for uncovering hidden agendas and ulterior motives. But Keenan's cooperation was essential, and he had to find a way to convince him.

"It involves a personal issue with the Queen, sir," Geoffrey finally replied cautiously. "There is a situation that has arisen and the King believes you have the skills to put this to rest in a prompt and modest manner."

Keenan's amusement flickered in his eyes once again. "So, the King needs me to be his woman's saviour?" he mused, a hint of sarcasm lacing his voice. "Wouldn't you agree that we've shared her enough for this to be yet another thing she ties us together too?"

Geoffrey's gaze flickered, his voice filled with sincerity. "Sir, you have always been a man of honor. Your loyalty to the kingdom is unquestionable. The King believes in you, and so do I. We need you to protect our people, to ensure their safety."

The prince's expression didn't move. He knew Geoffrey was right. He had a duty to his people, a responsibility that came with his birthright.

But he also had a burning desire for freedom, to live life on his own terms.

After a moment of silence, Keenan straightened, his decision made. "Very well. I will assist the King in his mission. But on one condition."

The man's eyes widened in anticipation. "Name it, sir."

A mischievous gleam returned to Keenan's eyes as he spoke. "Once this mission is over, I want my freedom. No more demands from the King, no more obligations. I would like to be abdicated."

Geoffrey's face broke into a tense regard. "I cannot agree on the King's behalf."

"Then you're in luck." The Frenchman said bluntly, "There's something called a phone, use it and tell His Majesty my condition."

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