22. In The Madness

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Keenan Alarie was captivated by the young woman in a way that he couldn't quite explain.

He traced his fingers along the smoothness of her face, observing her peaceful slumber with a profound fixation.

Her delicate features seemed to glow in the soft moonlight that filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle shadow across her face. He couldn't help but marvel at the innocence that radiated from her as she slept, her breaths steady and calm.

The outline of her lips danced with his fingertips and he found himself wondering what dreams danced behind her closed eyelids.

What secrets did her mind hold? He found solace in the tranquility that enveloped her presence, as if her very essence had the power to quiet the chaos within his own soul.

There was something about her that transcended the physical realm — an intangible connection that defied logic.

It was as if fate had conspired to bring them together, weaving their lives together in a tapestry of unexpected encounters and shared moments.

He couldn't deny the magnetic pull that drew him closer to her, an unspoken understanding that existed beyond words.

It wasn't just her beauty that captured his attention, but rather the way she made him feel. In her presence, he felt a sense of belonging, as though he had finally found the missing piece of his own puzzle.

Yet, the complexities of their connection also left him feeling vulnerable.

He couldn't help but question whether he was worthy of such a profound connection, whether he had the strength to weather the storms that life would inevitably throw their way.

But as Keenan gazed upon her slumbering form, he saw everything he needed to see, in the different quirks and hidden shared pain written in her features.

He would be the steady anchor in her life, offering support and unwavering love. And in return, he hoped that she would find solace in his arms, a sanctuary where she could always find refuge.

He knew that this connection was unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It was a feeling that transcended boundaries, a feeling that had the power to shape the course of their lives.

For in her peaceful slumber, he had found not just a captivating beauty, but a soul that resonated with his own, intertwining their destinies in a dance that would forever change their lives.

He was unable to join her slumber, eyes burning with tiredness as the morning dusk settled in.

The moment her eyelids gracefully unveiled her gaze, an uncontrollable surge of air escaped his chest, rendering him breathless. It felt as though her captivating emerald eyes possessed an enchanting ability to effortlessly whisk away his every breath.

In the depths of his mind, she embodied sheer madness. A relentless torment, an affliction that consumed his every thought, and sent his sanity into disarray.

He was so bewitched by her, that he couldn't sleep, as much as he wanted to and so he resorted to getting up into a seated position and leaning his back against the plush headboard.

Minutes turned into hours and the sound of pen brushing against paper was the only sounds audible. Save her soft, steady breathing.

She came to light, blinking a couple times before her ears caught the familiar sound of furious writing.

Her words were a mere murmur in his dazed mind. "Have you seriously been awake all night? I told you to stop doing that, it's... bad for you."

His lips curled into a lazy smile, flickering his attention over her pouty lips and staring at them so intensely. The way she breathed out and sucked in little gasps of air were mesmerising.

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