29. Power Is Power

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Every morning, Julian would rise before the sun, his body already accustomed to the early hour. He would begin his day with a series of stretches and exercises, ensuring his body was prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

After his morning workout, he would indulge in a hearty breakfast consisting of fresh fruits, whole grains, and protein-rich foods. This nourishing meal provided him with the energy he needed to tackle the day's responsibilities.

Once nourished, he would retreat to his study, where he would spend several hours going through his daily agenda. He meticulously planned every meeting, every decision, ensuring that his kingdom ran smoothly and efficiently. His routine was not only for himself but for the benefit of his people.

Throughout the day, Julian would engage in various meetings, addressing the needs and concerns of his advisors, ministers, and citizens. He listened attentively, weighing each opinion and considering the impact of his decisions on his kingdom. His ability to maintain a well-balanced routine allowed him to remain level-headed and fair in his judgments.

In the afternoon, he would take a short break, using this time to recharge his mind and body. He would enjoy a leisurely stroll through the palace gardens, breathing in the fresh air and appreciating the beauty that surrounded him. This brief escape from the demands of his role as king allowed him to clear his thoughts and return to his duties with renewed focus.

Evenings were reserved for quality time with his closet pals and of course his beloved. Julian recognized the importance of maintaining strong relationships with his loved ones amidst his busy schedule. He would sit down for dinner with his wife to be, engaging in heartfelt conversations and cherishing the moments spent together.

Before retiring for the night, he would spend some time reflecting on the day's events. He would assess his actions, evaluating his performance as a king and as a leader. This self-reflection served as a constant reminder of his responsibility and dedication to his people.

With his mind at ease, Julian would finally retire to his chambers, ready to rest and recharge for the challenges that awaited him the following day. He knew that by maintaining a well-balanced routine, he was not only taking care of himself but also ensuring the prosperity and well-being of his entire kingdom.

Routine. He needed routine to operate.

Without routine, he would crash and burn. His entire life had been to follow routine, to follow orders, to be ready to rule.

From the moment of his birth, he had been this way. Routine was ingrained in him, a necessity for his existence.

It was the rhythm of his life, the guiding force that kept him grounded.

While he meticulously adhered to his routine, his younger brother was a different story. They were separated by only eighteen months, but the gap felt wider than that. Growing up, there was always a tension between them, unnecessary and burdensome.

Julian couldn't comprehend why his brother believed their childhood was marred by scars. For him, their father had provided structure, freedom, and the invaluable lessons of leadership.

The truth was, the brothers were never close. They were not friends, nor would they ever be. Jealousy and tension simmered between them from early on, something Julian may have fueled, albeit unintentionally. As a young boy, he yearned for his father's approval, and perhaps, he allowed that desire to overshadow their bond.

Their mother's passing when Julian was only five and Keenan, three, undoubtedly left a void. Yet, Julian's path from childhood to adulthood was relatively smooth. Their father, the king, allowed him to relish his fleeting moments of freedom, a fair trade in his eyes.

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