71. Wait For My Love

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The grand gardens were abuzz with activity, meticulously preparing for the imminent union.

With every word her advisor spoke, she found herself captivated by the sight of the skilled gardeners toiling away outside the towering windows, transforming the landscape into a breathtaking tapestry of vibrant greenery.

With only two months left, time slipped through their fingers like grains of sand, each day witnessing the palace's metamorphosis.

A single question echoed in her mind, drowning out the advisor's faint words.

Why was she doing all of this?

Her father's absence, her position as Queen – she no longer needed to proceed with the plans. It was meant to be the end of it all.

Yet, the brothers had crept into her thoughts, burrowed into her heart in ways she never anticipated.

As she tore her gaze away from the window, her advisor vanished, replaced by a figure settling across from her.

Jana exhaled, meeting his intense gaze. "I'm still angry with you, so spare me your words."

A flicker of amusement danced in his eyes, devoid of a smile. He knew better than to provoke her further.

"What if I confessed my love and apologized for my foolishness?" The solemn King ventured. "Not being able to hold you in my arms has been torture."

Her frown deepened. "Did you choose the cufflinks I selected at the fitting today?" she interjected, brushing off his sentiment. "They better match."

Julian nodded, unwavering in his attention.

"And the tie? Did you pick the one I favored?"

"I always choose whatever my baby wants me to choose."

Ding. Ding. Ding. Right answer.

With a heavy sigh, she rose from her chair, her steps echoing in the room.

As she drew near, a glimmer of hope danced in his eyes. He shifted his chair back, creating a space between them.

When she settled on his lap, her legs dangling to the side, he softened his voice, speaking only for her ears.

"I don't deserve you," he began, prompting a roll of her eyes and a meeting of gazes.

"No, you don't," she replied, cutting him off.

Julian's hands came alive, sliding up her hips and encircling her slender waist. "But I would do anything for you. Anything. Whatever you desire, it is yours."

Silence enveloped the room for a few precious moments as she studied his features, absorbing every detail.

He observed her watching him,

His gaze held a mix of anticipation and vulnerability, as if he was baring his soul for her to see. A twinge of guilt tugged at her for the anger she had held towards him.

"You know," she finally spoke, her voice gentle yet resolute, "I never planned for any of this. It was all meant to be a facade, a means to please my father and secure my position as your country's Queen."

His hold on her waist tightened slightly, his eyes searching for understanding in hers. "I know, my angel. And I comprehend your conflict. But there is something undeniable between us, something that surpasses duty or obligation. I fell in love with you despite the circumstances that forced us together."

She hummed, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest as she pondered her next words. "Why do you want to marry me? I mean truly. I want to know the reasons behind your choice."

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