48. Court Jester

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"It has a carat weight of 105.6 uncut and 793 cut. It holds the record as the world's most expensive diamond and is soon to be the centerpiece of your crown. I'm aware that you've desired it for quite some time, so what better place for it to adorn than the very front of your coronation crown?" The details seemed to be lost on the small crowd, their attention riveted on the rare and priceless gem. "What do you think, my angel?"

Her ecstatic squeals were his answer, the handful of servants in the dressing room gaping in wonder at the massive, sparkling stone.

"Oh my gosh! Babe, it's perfect!" She wasted no time in leaping into his arms, her own snaking around his neck. "I love it, I can't believe you actually managed to secure it."

Her forgiveness, it seemed, could be bought with this extravagant gift as she allowed him to embrace her.

"Laurent could hardly believe it either, although he was slightly less irate after I promised him the holidays off." Laurent being Julian's accountant, a man who had his work cut out for him.

She wasn't a fan of Laurent, for he constantly urged the King to be frugal and thoughtful in his expenditures. He routinely cautioned against certain purchases, including the very diamond she'd been yearning for over the past half decade.

He managed to catch her in time, lifting her by the hips. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her lips sought his in a passionate kiss.

As she pulled back slightly, she looked at a staring face and switched to Arabic. "Thank you Noor for helping me dress, but could you please give us some privacy?"

The soon-to-be Queen's subtle demand was taken with ease as her flushed face made contact with her. The dressmaker simply nodded quickly, muttering a small "awkeed, malika.", and ushering the other servants out.

Once the servants had departed hastily and they were alone, Jana turned back to face him.

He cleared his throat, his face breaking into a knowing smile. "Are you pleased?" He inquired, arching an brow.

Her fingers played with his hair as she responded, her face radiant with a beaming smile. "Absolutely, I'm over the moon. It's so large and beautiful."

"Je suis heureux d'entendre ça." His smile matched hers, reaching his eyes. "I want nothing but the best for my Queen. The artisans who will set the diamond into your crown will arrive following lunch, ensuring it's ready for your ceremony tomorrow."

"You turn me on when you speak about diamonds to me, it's so fucking hot."

The man could only chuckle, bouncing her in his arms playfully. Once he came to a halt, his nose was brushing over hers. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"

"Since there's not a better diamond out there, then yes, I guess you're forgiven."

"I spent roughly four hundred million euros on it. I would hope it means I'm forgiven."

"Mm, that's it... keep talking about it, you're making me so wet." Jana teased, causing his grin to grow and he began walking them towards the nearest wall.

Their playful nature was back and he could not be more glad.

"Yeah? Do you want to show me how wet you are?"

Her light airy giggles filled the room as her back was pressed against the hard surface.

"We don't have much time before Teta Salma comes looking for me," she pointed out, biting her bottom lip. "And we both know what her reaction will be if she comes and finds you stuck inside of my pussy."

His response was muffled in her neck, his words grunting against her skin. "We don't need a lot of time, trust me."

The slightly embarrassing statement was proven to be true since it only took him ten minutes to reach climax.

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