46. Fantasise

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"You're late."

Her jade green eyes met his piercing grey gaze as he deftly loosened his tie. He couldn't help but notice the flicker of relief that crossed her face when she entered his closet.

"I thought you were asleep already, princess." He said, voice dripping in exhaustion. "I came in and saw that the lights were off so I assumed you had gone to sleep."

His hands instinctively dropped to his sides as she approached, her fingers reaching out for the tie. Standing there, he found himself entranced by her presence, his fingertips gently caressing her cheek.

A radiant smile effortlessly graced her lips, a testament to the warmth of his touch.

"You know me," she mused, her voice filled with a mix of joy and amusement. "I can never resist surprising you with my presence."

He knew what really happened.

She could not sleep without him next to her.

He chuckled softly, his tired eyes lighting up with affection. "Well, consider me pleasantly surprised."

"Good, that's great." She leaned in closer, her breath mingling with his. "How come you were later than usual, habibi? I was getting worried when you didn't walk through the bedroom door at your normal time."

"Do you want the long story or short?"

"Short, please."

His snorted, realising how lucky he was to have her by his side. "Alright, long story short, what was supposed to be a simple meeting turned into a blood bath, and guess who was on clean up duty." He remarked sarcastically, she pulled the tie off, letting it fall onto the floor before she was unbuttoning his shirt. "It took way longer than I thought it would."

Gently, he reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers. The simplicity of their touch spoke volumes, conveying the depth of their connection. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, as if they were the only two people in the world.

"I missed you though," he whispered, her voice carrying both longing and vulnerability. "All evening. I could not stop thinking about you."

Her grip tightened, a silent reassurance that she felt the same. "How much?"

They stood there, basking in each other's presence, finding solace in the mere fact that they were together again.

The weight of the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of their love to envelop them.

"So much."

"Yeah right." As his lips brushed against the delicate skin of her neck, compelling her to tilt her head to the side, a heavy sigh escaped her lips. "You bring me all the way to Paris, promising a chance for us to be alone, away from prying eyes, only to leave me confined in this townhouse for your work duties that seem never-ending."

His words were muffled against her skin. "I brought you here because you were the one who wanted a place for us in Paris. You love being here."

"Not if you're not here with me, then what's the point of it all?"

Keenan withdrew his face, his gaze locking onto hers once more. "Seriously? Are we going to do this tonight?"

She furrowed her brow, frustration evident as she smacked his chest with force. "I'm just trying to express how I feel."

"I understand that, but you know I can't control everything. We've spent the past two weeks together, and today was the first time I had an obligation that couldn't be postponed. You knew that. Stop making it seem like I abandoned you when I know you probably enjoyed indulging yourself with my credit card. And let's not forget the fact that I ensured you had enough pleasure this morning before I had to leave."

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