7. Disguises

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She knew she looked good.

Despite the charitable purpose of the gala event, the significance of her attire to her was the foremost and most advantageous aspect of the evening. It was imperative that everyone witnessed her radiance in its entirety.

As the doors of the charity gala swung open, she stepped into the grand ballroom with an air of elegance and grace. Adorned in a breathtaking gown that hugged her curves in all the right places, she knew that tonight was her moment to shine. The meticulously chosen fabric, the intricate beading, and the flattering silhouette were all carefully selected to showcase her beauty to its fullest potential.

She understood that the purpose of the gala was to raise funds and awareness for a noble cause, but she also recognized the power of her appearance in capturing attention and drawing in more support.

With each social interaction and every photograph taken, she knew that her gown would become a conversation starter, sparking intrigue and curiosity in the minds of those around her.

Fyza, a woman she deemed worthy enough to be her closet girl friend came as her plus one. She was a beautiful woman, that was to be expected.

After all, she didn't make friends with ugly people.

The Pakistani princess had a respectful background to her and exuded an air of fortune that Jana was somewhat impressed by.

Nothing would be as impressive as her own fortune of course, she had ties to the ancient Egyptian kingdom—with very high rulers of the past written into her history.

Jana was more impressive than any guest inside the room, including her best friend and that was how she liked it. At the top of the hierarchy, where she belonged.

The Alarie's were enough royalty for her father to even consider their son for her.

It sounded strange, she had been practically married off at eighteen to a man of high status. But that was how her world worked.

It wasn't like they both even saw each other in that way at first. Jana was twenty one when she realised she was willing to became intimate with the soon-to-be King. Twenty one when she made the first move on him, and let him know that she wanted him.

And only twenty when her and his insufferable brother started the fucked up game of deceit they were playing.

There was no room for her to even fall for the man her parents had hand picked out for her, but alas after ten years of courting, and well, seven official years of them dating, it was no longer a marriage of convenience.

Somewhere inside her blackened heart, she loved Julian. Perhaps it was his gentle words of affirmation or the way he made her believe she was truly one of a kind.

"You totally forgot to mention that this was Keenan's gala," The taken aback princess said as they entered into the hall, dressed in her finest jewels. "I had no idea he was back in France, is he staying close to the palace."

Jana tried not to pull a face at the mention of him, feeling the eyes turn and stare at her in awe. "Ugh, define close. He's staying on the lowest level."

That seemed to lightened the curious's girl mood, "Oh, really?" She exclaimed, maybe a little too eager. "That's interesting. I guess that means I'll be seeing him more frequently..."

"Jesus, Fyza." The Egyptian found her eyes in a split second, a warning glint covering her regard. "Stop drooling over him, it's pathetic."

"I, uh, I'm not drooling. I was merely curious."

"Yeah, well, don't be. He's not into girls like you." Harsh much.

But that was Jana, her behaviour was hard to like, and the reason why many of her 'friends' were shallow and there as a fill in.

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