74. Dancing Juice

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Seeking him out was getting easier and easier.

Catching sight of the man charming her head maid, Jana walked further into the laundry room and charged straight at him.

Mid conversation, she found him leaning into the counter, his forearms bent as he listened to the gushing elderly woman.

With a determined look on her face, Jana approached him, her footsteps echoing in the room.

The man turned his head towards her, a unsurprised expression crossing his face. He went to straighten up, when a low guttural noise left his chest.

She gripped onto his shirt, and went to drag her with him when he refused to move.

His eyes lazily bore into her with an unsettling vacancy, as he shifted his attention to her perfectly manicured hand clutching his shirt. "You're ruining the freshly ironed shirt that Salma just prepared for me."

With an exasperated roll of her eyes, she tightened her grip and tugged him closer. "I require a dance companion, and you're wasting my valuable time by simply lingering here and refusing to budge," she declared matter-of-factly, as if interrupting his conversation was the most ordinary occurrence in the world.

"Dance companion," he repeated dryly. "Do I appear to possess any inclination to dance with you?"

"I couldn't care less about your inclination. What I require is a dance companion since Julian is tied up in a crucial meeting, and this is the only window in my schedule for the wedding dance. As the reigning Queen of this country, I command you to step in until he becomes available."

Keenan's piercing gaze was unsettling as his Adam's apple bobbed with a tempting swallow. "Then I suppose I have no other option but to comply."

"No option in the slightest."

That was how she had gotten the intimating man to join her in the ballroom with one singular dancing instructor.

They entered the grand ballroom, the chandeliers overhead cast a soft, romantic glow on the polished marble floors.

The orchestra began to play a lively waltz, filling the air with enchanting melodies.

She took a moment to observe him, noticing a subtle change in his demeanor. The vacancy in his eyes seemed to fade, replaced by a spark of intrigue.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that she had successfully pulled him out of his comfort zone.

The dancing instructor approached them, a poised and elegant figure in a flowing gown.

She guided them through the steps of the waltz, their movements synchronized and graceful.

Jana could feel Keenan's firm yet gentle grip on her waist as they effortlessly glided across the dance floor.

As the dance progressed, she realized that there was more to Keenan than met the eye. His steps became more confident, his posture straightened, yet his firm, uninterested expression did not fade.

They twirled and spun, lost in the rhythm of the music.

"You didn't have to put your hands on him." She told him, taking a moment to examine his stern expression. "And that black eye was completely unnecessary. We have too many public appearances to make for him to be wandering around looking like he's been in a boxing match."

His gaze shifted towards her, his eyes meeting hers as he towered over her.

She gently wrapped her arms around his neck, maintaining a composed demeanor as his strong arms encircled her slender waist, pulling her closer.

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