6. Tension

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The tension was so thick, it felt almost tangible in the air.

Everyone in the room could sense it, it was awkward to say the least. It was as if the very atmosphere had transformed into an invisible force, wrapping itself tightly around each person, making it difficult to move or even speak.

Eyes darted nervously from one individual to another, searching for any signs of weakness or vulnerability. The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional shuffling of feet or a suppressed cough.

In the midst of this charged atmosphere, two figures sat facing each other, their expressions reflecting the intensity of the situation.

Their eyes locked in a battle of wills, neither willing to back down, neither willing to yield an inch.

Every muscle in their bodies tensed, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. The weight of their shared history, their conflicting desires, and the unresolved issues they carried with them added an extra layer of complexity to the already charged situation.

The tension had been building, simmering beneath the surface, but now it had reached its boiling point.

Time seemed to stretch, elongating every second, as if the universe itself held its breath, waiting for a resolution. It was a stand-off, a clash of egos and emotions, where victory meant more than just winning an argument.

It was a fight for power, for control, for dominance.

And then, with a sudden shift in the air, a single word was uttered. It hung in the silence, echoing through the room, heavy with consequence. The tension, once thick and overpowering, seemed to dissipate, leaving behind a sense of both relief and resignation.

"I take it you two have been civil whilst I've been away?" Julian tried make light. "You've both seemed to catch the sun here over the weekend, I can't say I'm not jealous. It was obscenely grey and miserable in London."

Jana had woken to find him crawling into bed at half past five in the morning, he took the jet as soon as his last arrangement was done and came home to surprise her early.

Of course, she loved the surprise but a hard shove to her stomach made her aware that it only meant the two of them would have to be in her premise at the same time.

The morning's breakfast spoke volumes of how awkward it was.

Keenan's empty expression didn't lessen, he had barely spared a glance at her or his older brother.

He simply ate his breakfast in silence. Sitting on the seat closet to the exit, whilst herself and the respected King sat at the head. It signified his position, and where he'd always be.

The outsider.

Jana puckered her lips out, not taking any note of her soon-to-be husband and instead, picking out the pieces in their unexpected house guest.

"Stop talking about the fucking weather, Ju. It's so annoying."

Immediately, the clueless man snapped his head to the side, catching the side of her face. "Ah... sorry, mon ange, it appears it's turned into a force of habit." He trailed off, laughing.

However, she didn't laugh.

She simply narrowed her eyes further, causing Julian cleared his throat once again.

He closed his mouth instantly, going back to his usual routine of spreading butter on his croissant. He began chewing slowly, keeping his eyes ahead of his brother.

"So..." he went off again, finding anything to fill the awkward silence.

Jana was certain the man next to her could not read a room despite having to be in many tense rooms as his job. Sometimes she wondered just how he was in charge of ruling an entire nation with how oblivious he could be.

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