1. Diamonds Are Indeed A Girl's Bestfriend

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In the world of fame and attention, introductions held no significance for someone like Jana Hossam.

Having basked in the limelight for so long, she was a figure that stood out in a sea of white Europeans. With her darker skin and prominent features, she was unforgettable. So, the idea of attending an engagement party seemed unnecessary to her, especially when she would have to reconnect with people who were only pretending to be fascinated by her.

Take, for instance, the distant relative who appeared to be on the brink of death. She had no desire to encounter that person again.

With a forced smile, Jana's jade green eyes scanned the hideous attire and poorly styled hair, wondering who was responsible for such a disaster.

"Do you remember Felicity, darling? Technically, she is related to us through the Germans, but I consider her more as a beloved aunt," her soon-to-be husband remarked. The sweet comment elicited a swooning reaction from the decaying woman, but Jana couldn't care less.

Maintaining her smile, she shifted her gaze from the unimpressive relative to her tall fiancé. Leaning in, she whispered in his ear, her words laced with frustration.

To any observer, it would seem like the engaged couple was enjoying each other's company, indulging in romantic whispers.

He was a handsome man with thick brown hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. His chiseled jawline perfectly complemented his strong, confident demeanor. Everywhere he went, heads turned and whispers followed in his wake. It was as if his presence alone commanded attention and admiration from both men and women alike.

But beneath his striking appearance, there was a depth to him that few had the privilege of discovering. His warm smile could light up a room, and his laughter was infectious, bringing joy to those fortunate enough to hear it.

He possessed a natural charm that drew people towards him, making even the most guarded individuals feel at ease in his company.

Yet, despite his outward allure, he remained humble and grounded, never letting his looks define him. He had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a voracious appetite for life. Behind closed doors, he would immerse himself in books, delving into various topics and expanding his understanding of the world. His intellectual curiosity was matched only by his ambition and drive to make a difference.

In conversations, he would listen attentively, genuinely interested in the perspectives and stories of others. He possessed an empathetic nature, always offering a kind word or a reassuring touch to those in need. His genuine care for others was evident in the way he selflessly dedicated his time and energy to helping those less fortunate.

He was a man of many talents, excelling in whatever he set his mind to. Whether it was his thriving career, where he effortlessly climbed the corporate ladder, or his artistic pursuits, where he captivated audiences with his soulful voice and mesmerizing performances, he constantly pushed himself to reach new heights.

But perhaps his most endearing quality was his unwavering loyalty and love for his family and friends. He was a pillar of support, always there to lend a helping hand or a listening ear.

His loved ones cherished every moment spent with him, knowing that his presence in their lives was a gift.

In a world where beauty often fades and superficiality reigns, he was a rare gem, radiating not only physical attractiveness but also a genuine and captivating spirit. He left an indelible mark on the hearts of all who crossed his path, forever etching his memory as a man of substance and grace.

"Yes, I know who Felicity is, Julian. We've met countless times, and you've told me that ridiculous story each and every fucking time," Jana retorted sharply, causing him to nervously smile at his elderly aunt. "When I said I wanted an engagement party, I meant with my friends. Not this political gathering you call an event."

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