13. Routine

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Jana Hossam had an aversion to solitude, despising the idea of being alone.

This compelled her to extend invitations to girls she held disdain for, organizing frequent gatherings at her residence.

Perhaps this inclination stemmed from her fiance's demanding and arduous schedule, leaving him occupied and frequently out of town.

On this particular occasion, the elaborate garden of the royal kingdom served as the backdrop for today's gathering, where she indulged in a luxuriant afternoon tea.

The weather was perfect for an outdoor event, and it didn't hurt that she had a clear view of the guesthouse from where she was positioned.

She could observe who was coming and going from the house, which piqued her curiosity.

"...what do you think, Jana?"

Lost in her own thoughts, the distracted Egyptian found herself unable to focus as she gazed at the blonde heiress who seemed to be spouting nonsense. Despite her internal turmoil, her expression remained unchanged, masking her disinterest.

Jana glanced towards girl, her face betraying no emotion. "What?" she replied, clearly not paying attention.

Sitting beside Jana, Fyza cleared her throat, attempting to bring clarity to the situation. "Diana was just asking if you'd be interested in having your bridal shower in Paris," she explained.

At the mere mention of Paris, Jana let out a scoff.

The idea of having such an important celebration in a common location seemed beneath her, almost comical.

"Paris stinks and the kind of people who go there for any type of celebration lack taste. I would never spend such a significant day there, why would ask me something so stupid?"

Diana's expression dropped as the harsh words hit her, leaving her feeling hurt and rejected. She lowered her head, silently grabbing another cucumber sandwich to distract herself from the sting.

Jana's outburst hung in the air, creating an uncomfortable silence among the group of girls who awkwardly avoided making eye contact with each other.

While the others were preoccupied with the tense atmosphere, Jana's gaze remained fixed on the guesthouse.

"I apologize, I assumed you and His Majesty had an affinity for Paris, considering his mother's Parisian background," Diana said softly.

"Well, your assumptions are completely baseless and wrong, Di. I loathe Paris," came the cold reply.

A heavy silence settled over the group of girls, each avoiding eye contact with the other.

Meanwhile, Jana's gaze remained fixed ahead as one of the guards signaled for the sleek black car to stop outside the guest house.

As the car pulled into the driveway, Jana watched intently as the door of the guest house swung open and a stunning brunette emerged, clearly still in her club attire from the previous night.

Her heart raced, but she pushed aside her emotions, captivated by the unfolding scene before her eyes.

Fyza whispered in her ear, "Oh my gosh... I had no idea Keenan was dating Gaia Moore."

The girls all looked up simultaneously, catching a glimpse of the famous supermodel and the brooding Prince engaged in hushed conversation by the door before she was led to the car.

More excited murmurs filled the air. "She's more beautiful in person. It's simply unfair how stunning she is!"

"Please," Jana scoffed. "He only indulges in the company of the most desperate and vulgar women he can find, and clearly she fits his criteria perfectly. Personally, I fail to see anything special about her. She possesses nothing that I would ever desire."

Jana's words dripped with venom as she watched Gaia Moore climb into the car and drive away. The other girls exchanged uncomfortable glances, unsure of how to respond to Jana's outburst.

Fyza, ever the peacemaker, tried to diffuse the tension. "Ah, now you're pulling our legs. There's no way you can't see the appeal, she's stunning! Don't you think they suit at least, I mean you can't say they don't look good together."

Her eyes still fixed on the Prince, she muttered bluntly. "They don't look good together. There, happy now?"

Her words hung heavily in the air, the atmosphere now thick with palpable disdain. The other girls shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to proceed.

Jana turned her attention back to the gathering, her mind racing. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation, a feeling she despised. But seeing Keenan with Gaia stirred something within her, something she couldn't fully understand.

Unbeknownst to the prying eyes around them, Keenan escorted his recent companion down the narrow pathway, allowing the security personnel to open the car door for her. The brunette leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek, whispering something into his ear that elicited a dark chuckle from him.

Curiosity piqued, she wondered what could be so amusing.

As the car door closed and the driver prepared to depart, she saw Keenan turn around, his attention caught by the extravagant and ostentatious tea party taking place just a few meters away from his new residence.

Their eyes locked, both refusing to look away. She maintained her gaze, determined not to back down.

Keenan stood there, clad only in navy plaid pajama pants, his bare chest exposed for all to see. His feet were adorned with personalized navy slippers, and a shiny diamond Cuban chain adorned his neck.

Her disdain for him grew as she took in his lazy attire. It was midday, and he was still lounging in his sleepwear, seemingly unaffected by basic grooming like brushing his teeth or shaving his unruly stubble.

Resentful thoughts filled her mind. He had probably only just found his way out of her used shrivelled-up pussy, she thought with a bitter sneer.

Her scoff reverberated through the air like a thunderclap, causing him to brace himself for what was to come. Without bothering to offer any explanations, she abruptly stood up from her seat, her body language speaking volumes.

"Francine, it's time to clear the table. Our afternoon is over," she declared, her voice dripping with annoyance.

The maid's confusion quickly etched itself across her face as she scrambled to comply. "Is everything alright, Ma'am?"

Jana turned towards her, eyes burning with anger. "Are you incapable of understanding simple instructions?" she snapped. "I explicitly said to clean the damn table. I can't bear being in the presence of such insufferable people any longer."

The girls exchanged nervous glances, fully aware that their social standing relied on their allegiance to the princess. No one dared to challenge her outburst.

With a final scowl, Jana said nothing more, the sound of her heels striking the cobbled pavement with a resounding thud as she stormed off towards the guest house.

The guard, recognizing her furious stride, immediately stepped aside without uttering a word.

As the guest house door swung open in anticipation of her arrival, Jana issued a clear demand to the guard.

"Under no circumstances is Julian allowed to set foot in here without my knowledge."

"Yes, Ma'am," the guard replied, his voice tinged with caution.

In the midst of the open air, Keenan stood, partially clothed, watching the contours of her womanly body as she sauntered past him, entering the sanctuary of his modest living space and distributing it instantly.

His sigh sounded vexed, lacking any kind of regard.

Before he followed in, aware of the fact that he would be committed to her wrath for the following few hours, he turned towards the same guard.

"She's going to want all of Miss. Moore's details including her current agency and you're forbidden from giving it to her. Understood?"

Already trained in his answer, the guard nodded in a curt manner. "Yes, Sir."

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