4. Stranger Danger

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"You mean to tell me you two haven't argued all weekend and he's what... stayed in his room the whole time?" The disbelief was not missed, causing her to nod into her phone screen.

Her phone was rested against her bathroom mirror, the camera pointed at her where she stood in front of it, attempting to do her nighttime skincare routine. She stood in her silk pyjamas shorts and a tight fitting tank top that did nothing to hide her large chest.

On the other side, Julian was shirtless in bed, holding his phone up as he watched his fiancé get ready for bed.

He had his reading glasses on, thick black frames making him look more attractive to her if that was possible—she had called him whilst he had been filling in some paperwork, of course, her distraction was put first without a second thought.

"Yeah," The woman uttered, in the process wiping off the clay mask from her face. "It's weird, right? I don't know, I don't think I've ever seen him so depressed. He wasn't like this when he was here a couple months ago."

He hummed in agreement, thinking about the change up in behaviour. "Perhaps, he's had time to sit back and reflect. I mean you saw how he took my parents' death, he was out partying the next day, on a bender for weeks and then all of a sudden a year later, he's acknowledging it all and begging me to do something in their name like I hadn't already been doing so for the last year."

That really did happen, she mused. Despite it being something that happened years ago now, since his parents had both been gone coming up six years now, she figured the cycle could be repeating again.

It's not like she cared or anything, she just didn't know how to go about him being in the same premise as her and them not... well, fucking out the anger.

Right now, there was no anger since they hadn't even been in the same room yet.

Once she rinsed her face, and patted it dry with her towel, she moved onto her many creams.

"I guess that could be the case." She reached for the gold tray, and began her routine. As she moisturised, she said, "But I didn't even think he was that hung up about Crystal or whatever her name was."

"Cristine. And yeah, babe, they got married and she was four months pregnant. Of course, he's gonna be hung up on it. I'd think he was a psychopath if he wasn't."

Still, she found it bizarre, she couldn't understand what he was so caught up by.

For starters, she wasn't even his usual type. Not to mention, they had only dated for one month before he decided he wanted to marry her.

And that marriage only came as a dig at her after they...

"Enough about him, what's London been like this time around? Raining again?"

She finished her skincare, setting her products back into their places before she was grabbing ahold of her phone and switching off the bathroom lights.

She moved out of the suite, walking down the empty top floor and into the master bedroom.

"Hm, when is it not. Apparently, it was sunny all week and the day we land, it's been raining non stop."

Jana let out a soft laugh, leaving the lights off and switching on her nightlight by her side of the bed. It illuminated her face as she slid into the huge bed and tucked herself in.

After settling into a comfortable position, she replied. "That only means you bring the rain everywhere you go. Remember when you went all the way to Indonesia and it was the same?"

He chuckled at the unfortunate memory, smiling as he saw her head resting on his pillow. "I do remember that. I swear my luck is never good unless you're around, angel." He recognised it as his by the initials stitched into it. "You're my little luck charm, yeah?"

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