11. The Dark Prince

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She gazed upon the leather bound journals, her fingers delicately brushing over their textured surface.

Her fingertips danced across the pages, tracing the intimate words etched within.

A quiet intensity enveloped her as she bit her lip, lost in contemplation.

Each entry held within those journals was etched into her memory, as if she had become a living archive of their profound sentiments.

She could effortlessly recite every word, every emotion captured within, should anyone dare to inquire about their contents.

In an instant, the bride-to-be's serene moment was shattered by the jarring sound of the intercom.

"His Majesty has arrived, Ma'am."

Her heart raced as her shoulders stiffened, the weight of secrecy and vulnerability suddenly overwhelming.

Hastily, she clutched the journals close to her chest, a desperate attempt to protect the precious words they held. With a surge of urgency, she swiftly pushed the journals back into the depths of the bottom drawer, ensuring their concealment. The key, conveniently left on the desk, was quickly utilized to lock away the intimate sentiments, shielding them from prying eyes.

Jana snatched the key from the desk, her fingers trembling slightly. She swiftly moved towards one of the lush plant pots that adorned her personal chambers, their greenery offering a sense of tranquility in the midst of her turmoil.

Carefully, she inserted the key deep into the soil, ensuring that it was hidden from view.

With a practiced touch, she adjusted the surrounding leaves and branches, making it appear as though nothing had been disturbed. She took a step back, surveying her handiwork, her breath finally steadying as she felt a small semblance of security in this hidden location.

Satisfied with her efforts, she turned away from the plant pot, her expression resolute. The journals were safely hidden, their secrets protected for now.

With a deep breath, she composed herself, ready to face the arrival of the esteemed visitor.

Whatever lay ahead, she was determined to keep her clandestine thoughts locked away, buried deep within the earth and her own heart.

As the man with the clean polished figure rushed into the room, concern etched across his face, Jana's eyes welled up with tears.

A wave of emotion washed over her, and she allowed herself to succumb to the vulnerability that came with crying. It was a skill she had honed, an act she knew how to play up when needed.

Her tears flowed freely now, each one meticulously calculated to evoke sympathy and concern from the man before her.

She sniffled, her voice trembling as she spoke, "Babe, where have you been? I've been waiting for you for ages..."

"I know, I'm so sorry. I got caught up in a political debate but I came as quickly as I could when I got the call." The man approached her cautiously, his concern evident in his gentle touch as he reached out to comfort her. "Baby, what's wrong? What happened?"

She paused for a moment, composing herself enough to speak through her sobs. "It's... it's just everything, Julian. I'm sick and tired of being treated so horribly by that... that asshole!"

Understanding flickered in Julian's eyes as he pulled her into a comforting embrace. "What did he do? I swear to God, Jana, I'll make it right if you tell me what he did this time."

Jana nodded, her tears subsiding just enough to allow her to respond. "I don't know where to begin..."

"From the start. Tell me exactly what he did."

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