23. Call Out My Name

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Contrary to popular belief, Daddy dearest was not dead.

He was alive and currently in an intensive care unit, miles and miles away.

Jana found it challenging to process this news. As the King informed her of the updates pouring in by the minute, she expected a wave of shock or some semblance of emotion to wash over her, but it simply didn't happen.

Given the personal nature of the situation, the King was required in his formal office, surrounded by important figures who sought his guidance and issued orders.

Before departing, he stood in front of her, his gaze fixed upon her face. His hands tenderly held her cheeks as he whispered words intended solely for her ears. "He will be fine, I will ensure nothing bad happens to him. If it comes down to it, I will fly there myself, just so you know he's safe. I promise you, everything will be okay. I swear it, my love."

She let out a sigh, nodding in response. "Okay."

It was difficult to pretend to be in pain when she genuinely felt nothing, but Julian was unaware of that. He couldn't know.

She refused to let him witness the chaos of her childhood, a part of her life she preferred to keep hidden.

He would see her as broken, consumed by hurt, and that was the last thing she wanted to be.

She feared he would view her as shattered, consumed by anguish, and that was the last thing she wanted to portray.

"I love you, Jana. I will do my best to handle this swiftly, but I cannot make any promises."

"I love you too," she replied, granting him a lingering kiss. She looked up at him, her long lashes casting a shadow on her face. "And don't worry. Take all the time you need. I understand that this situation is beyond your control, and many people will be relying on your guidance."

She could see the weight of responsibility in his eyes, the burden he carried as the King. But she also saw the love and concern he had for her, and it brought her a sense of comfort.

As Julian left, Jana retreated up to her private quarters.

She sat on the edge of her bed, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions she couldn't quite grasp.

But she couldn't afford to let it consume her. She had a duty as the Queen, a role she had embraced with grace and strength.

She had to remain composed, for the sake of her people and for herself.

She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of lavender that filled her room. She closed her eyes and focused on the present moment, blocking out the chaos of her past and the uncertainty of her future.

She knew that she couldn't face this alone. Jana reached for her phone and dialed the number she had memorized long ago. It rang a few times before a familiar voice answered.

"What?" His tone was harsh, filled with irritation.

"Where are you?" Jana's voice wavered slightly. "It's been eight days, you can't just disappear after moving in. This is not acceptable. I'm serious, you can't treat this place like a hotel where you can come and go as you please. That's not how it works."

Her words trembled as she spoke, her frustration and worry palpable.

It was clear that she was letting it out on him.

Even if it was totally ridiculous and downright unfair.

"I...I won't let you do that in my home," she continued, her voice cracking with emotion. "You can't fucking do this!"

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