34. Understand

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As anticipated, the arduous journey back to her hometown was fraught with tension.

Except for one person, who arrogantly occupied the opposite end of the private jet.

From her seat, she could practically sense his smugness, and she fought the urge to glare at him. She knew that even a single glance in his direction would only amplify the frustration towards her.

Yes, it was correct. The King was still in an extraordinarily foul mood.

She couldn't quite comprehend the reason behind it, but apparently, he had caught her leaving his room, as she had discovered from the head maid.

Too exhausted to reprimand the woman for her lack of vigilance, she had simply mumbled a weary command to finish packing her bags.

It had been a long fucking day and quite frankly, she no longer cared.

Stretching out her smooth leg, she playfully nudged her bare feet against his lap, testing whether or not he was still annoyed. It had only been an hour into the 6+ hour flight.

"Can you rub my feet, Ju?" Jana asked in a sickly, sweet tone.

Despite usually choosing to sit beside her on both long and short flights, he had deliberately taken the seat across from her.

She watched with satisfaction as his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, but he quickly regained his composure and ignored her request.

"I'm not in the mood for your games," he replied curtly, his voice laced with irritation. "Stop bothering me with these foolish requests."

Jana raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Games? Oh, I assure you, Your Highness, I am not playing any games. I simply thought you might take the opportunity to please your bride-to-be, even if it's just by massaging my tired feet."

The King's jaw clenched, his frustration evident. He knew she was goading him, and yet, he couldn't help but take the bait.

With a sigh of resignation, he reluctantly reached over and began to rub her feet, his touch surprisingly gentle despite his obvious annoyance.

She was in a pair of pyjama shorts and a tight fitted cami, not needing to wear appropriate clothes as it was a nighttime flight, and not to mention, they were on a private jet. There was a warm blanket thrown over her, however, she kept her legs out and spread over him.

As the tension in the air slowly dissipated, she couldn't help but stare at him.

She was captivated by the way his strong hands moved skillfully over her feet. She had always been drawn to his touch, even during their heated arguments. There was something about the way he could simultaneously convey irritation and care that intrigued her.

Her eyes traced the contours of his face, taking in every detail. The sharpness of his jawline, the intensity in his eyes, the slight stubble that adorned his cheeks. Despite his initial resistance, she could see a flicker of vulnerability in his expression, a vulnerability that only she seemed to have the power to unravel.

Her mind drifted back to the early days of their courtship, when their connection had been undeniable. They had shared stolen glances and secret smiles, their hearts entwined in a dance of forbidden desire. But as time went on and responsibilities weighed heavy on their shoulders, their relationship had transformed into a battleground of power and control.

Yet, here they were, in the confines of a private jet, with no prying eyes or judgmental gazes. It was in these quiet moments that she saw a glimpse of the man she had fallen in love with, the man who still held a piece of her heart.

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