54. Destiny

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"Apologies for my impatience, but I would greatly appreciate your assurance that everything is fine. I understand the demands of your profession and our longstanding doctor-patient relationship is important to me. However, I cannot spend my entire day waiting here. It has been an hour, Azim, and I am curious as to why the wait is still ongoing."

The doctor, Azim, maintained a calm demeanor as he entered the room. The patient, a restless Egyptian queen, couldn't help but fidget on the edge of the examination table.

Azim took a seat, placing his papers on the desk, and responded with a gentle smile, his eyes crinkling with warmth. "You need not worry any longer. The test results have arrived."

Nervously clutching her handbag, the queen leaned forward, her voice slightly tremulous. "And?" she urged, her eyes locked on his.

His smile widened, his expression growing more reassuring. "You are five weeks pregnant, my dear. It's remarkable to witness little princess Jana grow up and become the expectant queen of our nation. Alhamdulillah, everything appears to be perfectly fine."

She stared at him, unblinking.

Seconds passed, and then her laughter erupted, filling the spacious room with its mocking tone.

The sound reverberated off the walls, echoing back to her in a haunting chorus. Her laughter, tinged with a hint of malice, cut through the air like a sharp blade. It was a stark contrast to the serene ambiance of the room, where elegance and tranquility once prevailed.

As her laughter subsided, a chilling silence settled over the room. The atmosphere had shifted, transforming the once inviting space into an eerie and unsettling environment. The lingering echoes seemed to dance in the air, creating an unsettling symphony of derision.

Confusion etched on his face, Azim raised an eyebrow, unsure of her reaction. Jana, still chuckling, raised a hand to stifle her amusement. "I thought... oh my, I thought you were saying that I was truly pregnant!"

The doctor's smile faded slightly as he spoke, his tone sincere. "I did say that. You are indeed pregnant, Jana."

Her laughter ceased instantly, replaced by a narrowed gaze fixed upon him. "That's impossible. You must rerun the tests because there is no way I am pregnant. And three weeks? Surely I would have noticed long before now?"

He maintained his composure, understanding her disbelief. "I assure you, Jana, the test results are accurate. Sometimes, pregnancies can go unnoticed in the early weeks, especially when one is preoccupied with other matters. It's not uncommon for women to experience a delayed realization."

Jana's brows furrowed as she processed the information. "But how can this be? I have taken precautions. This is not the path I intended for myself or our nation."

Not to mention, Julian would be unbearable about this news.

He had always wanted kids, and if it were up to him, they would've been married with five versions themselves by the time she reached twenty five.

It was her who refused to rush her body clock and spawn out an entire football team for him.

He wanted kids. She did not.

He leaned forward, his voice filled with empathy. "I understand your concerns, Jana. But sometimes, life takes unexpected turns, and it is up to us to adapt and find strength in those moments. Your position as a queen and a mother can coexist, and together we can navigate this new chapter."

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