66. My Very Soul

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There was a time in his life when he had foolishly succumbed to the act of infidelity.

The Egyptian beauty reluctantly admitted that during the first eight months of dating the respected and soon-to-be King, she was completely infatuated. Deeply. Intensely. She was so madly in love with him that he consumed her every thought.

Loving him was easy when he embodied everything she had hoped his brother would be. He was attentive, unafraid to show her off to the world, and utterly captivated by her.

Everything about Julian Gaston the Third consumed her entire being.

Or so she thought, until she stumbled upon a pair of panties in her dressing table that clearly did not belong to her.

She would never wear such cheap polyester, and that's exactly what they were.

The twenty-two-year-old held up the disgustingly ugly thongs and stared at them in curiosity.

It may come as a surprise given her current actions, but she had not been the first one to commit infidelity.

She couldn't understand what had gone wrong this time.

She had done everything to be the best girlfriend she could be, she forced herself to heal from Keenan's heartache first, tried to move on and now that she had finally given her whole heart to a new man in the hopes of being loved the way she wanted to be - he had done the same thing her previous lover had done.

He broke her heart.

Who could they belong to? She pondered the question as her mind raced with possibilities.

She remembered feeling no sense of anger or betrayal, no, instead, she felt numb.

It was only a matter of time, she thought, somewhat amused. Why was she not surprised?

There was clearly something wrong with the act of loving her, no one would be able to ever do it. No matter how much she wanted them to.

She received the message loud and clear.

Jana Hossam was not worthy of being loved.

There was no elaborate plan she made to confront him.

Two weeks later, she let him know that she would prefer it if he didn't bring his side bitches into their bedroom and if he could avoid leaving their hideously cheap underwear in her expensive collection.

His reaction was one of confusion which eventually morphed into realisation and then guilt. It spread across his face and she couldn't help but laugh.

Her heart hardened to ice by the time she came to terms with his infidelity and he was left with an extremely emotionless version of her.

He explained it was a drunken mistake, that his ex had been at one of the soirées the palace had hosted when she had been visiting her father and it just happened.

Whatever that meant.

There had been a version of Jana where she loved him so viciously and so wholly that she would've chosen him over anyone in a heart beat.

And now, well, the feelings were more complicated than that.

The moment he had broken that trust, she spiralled into a web of disconnect and her vicious cycle with his very brother began.

Oftentimes her bratty attitude made her seem like she was taking the poor guy for granted but really, she was deathly afraid of being hurt again, and so, the only thing she knew how to do, was to get him to pamper her.

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