44. Last Reigning Monarch

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She had come to the realization a long time ago that her father had single-handedly destroyed every aspect of her pitiful excuse for a life.

It all began during her childhood, and then it gradually took a toll on her mental well-being. And now, as she stifled a scoff, observing the same man being shackled to the wooden frame, she could confidently say that he had even managed to ruin her love life.

All of this could be attributed to one wretched man, who had thrust her into an ongoing battle between two diametrically opposed brothers. She found herself bound to a kingdom that was a world away from her own, a place she wished she had never set foot in.

Her mind was constantly tormented by the presence of these two influential figures, each leaving their own mark on her psyche, and she yearned to drive a knife through her father's feeble body as she gazed upon it with indifference.

Sitting numbly on her throne, she could sense the weight of the various gazes shifting towards the fallen King, whom she had once called her own.

She couldn't bear to look at him for too long, her attention wandering elsewhere, fixated on the chosen executioner securing the restraints tightly.

Keenan diligently carried out his assigned role while the prominent individuals on stage continued to speak in succession.

And, as you may have deduced, today was the day of execution.

A day she had never fathomed would come to pass, a day she never believed she would witness in her lifetime. It was the day her father, the esteemed King of Egypt, would face his ultimate fate.

The once adoring crowd no longer cheered for their ruler, but rather held contempt for him due to the mistreatment of their beloved Queen, her own mother. The tragedy of her mother's death had shocked the nation, and even as she grew older, the sympathy never waned.

But now, that sympathy had transformed into righteous anger, a burning desire to rectify the wrongs that had been inflicted.

Jana didn't want to discuss it, but she knew that addressing the past was necessary in order to forge a path forward amidst the current brutality.

She couldn't ignore the fact that her father's actions had shaped the person she had become. The scars ran deep, both physically and emotionally, and she knew that healing would only come with closure.

So, with a heavy heart and a determined spirit, she decided to address the crowd.

Silence fell over the assembly as Jana rose from her throne, her voice echoing through the grand hall.

"People of Egypt, today we stand witness to the consequences of my father's tyranny," she began, her words carrying a mix of sadness and resolve. "But let us not forget the pain he has inflicted upon us all. It is not just my life that he has destroyed, but the lives of countless others."

As she spoke, her gaze swept across the faces of the crowd, searching for understanding and support. She continued, her voice growing stronger with each word. "Today, we must come together as a nation to not only bring justice to my father, but to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. We must rebuild, heal, and move forward, united in our pursuit of a better future."

With a deep breath, she addressed the executioner, her voice steady and unwavering. "Keenan, please carry out your duty."

Keenan nodded solemnly and approached the wooden frame where her father was restrained. Jana's heart ached at the sight, conflicted between her desire for justice and the remnants of love she still held for the man who had once been her father.

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