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Woah, that's a lot of writing, who has the time to do this? Anyways, I look up and my dad is no where to be found, I didn't really notice though.

I look up after reading that long ass note and look around, I go back to the box and decide to look threw it.

It had all the the stuff I have ever talked about with him in a pretty small box.

It was cute and my dad came back to see me cut the cake, they sung me happy birthday and pushed my face into the cake, the usual.

The party went great but it didn't feel right not having 2 of the most important people to me to celebrate.

A few hours later I went to my old neighborhood and I found my first bear friend standing on her sidewalk.

"Vicki?" I say quietly but loud enough to get her attention, she turns her head confused, her eyes widen.

"Vale!" She say running to me, she wraps her arms and hugs me really tightly.

"I missed you too" I say smiling, "Milo and Marcelo are going to be so excited the you are back!" She says jumping.

Milo and Marcelo are twins, we've all been friends since we were little, around 5 years old me met because my mom is friends with there mom.

Vicki and  I have been inseparable since daycare, but our moms hate each other, they argued over something stupid when they were in high school.

So if me and Vicki want hang out, she has to tell her mom that she's going to hang out with one of the twins, so I say the same.

But that's when I thought, I have to tell Vicki about my mom, her and my mom have a bond like the one I have with my mom.

I know this will be hard for her to hear since she loves my mother dearly.

"Listen Vicki, I came back to Spain for something.." I say trying to avoid eye contact with her.

"For an event?" She says smiling, "Di you remember the my mom has cancer?" I say stopping and look at her.

"Oh my gosh! Did she beat it?" She says smiling, "She has less than a month to live." I say biting my lip.

"What?!" I look away because I know she is going to cry, "No! She can't be, She promised she'll beat!" She says as the tears run down her face.

I start getting flashbacks of when I got the news it felt like the whole world stopped, like it was waiting for me to continue, you can't.

But I knew I had to stay strong for my mom, if she was going to to stay strong for me I had to do the same.

After comforting Vicki I left her at her house, but as soon as I left I got a call from my dad.

"Valeria?! Your mother had a seizure! Get to the hospital now!" He says, the hospital was only a few blocks away so he didn't have to say much.

I ran faster than I ever have in my entire life, u get there maybe -9 minutes later and see my dad in the waiting room.

"Is she okay?!" I say sitting next to my dad, "they don't know, it was pretty bad, they said it was a late reaction to the chemo."

This can't be the end it's to soon, j fell asleep for thinking to much because I woke up to the doctor shaking me.

"I want you both to hear this, I'm so sorry, she didn't make it, she passed during the surgery," those words made me throw up.

I ran to the nearest trash can and I'm pretty sure I filled it up to the top with my vomit.

Not even a proper goodbye, I left after that it's like I didn't feel anything, not angry, sad, happy nothing.

I felt numb, like when the doctor puts numbing cream in you, that but in my whole body.

The first person I thought to text was junior,


She didn't make it.

I'm sorry
What happened?!

She had a seizure

Oh my god

That's all I read before turning my phone, I was going to tell Vicki and everyone else I knew.

I went to Vicki's how and she broke down, I comforted her but no one was there to comfort me.

I told her boss, he acted all sorry for me but I knew his bitch ass didn't mean it.

Next was the twins mom, she answered the door, "Valeria! I missed you, why are you here?" She says confused.

"Well, mami had cancer and she was given one month to live." I said, "why are you here then? Go to her!" She says, "She had a seizure earlier and passed." I say.

I felt her heart drop, her and my mom have been friends forever and they loved each other very much.

"I'm so sorry, come in!" She say signaling me to come in, I see Milo come in, "Valeria! Why are you here?" I wasn't going to respond to that.

Sorry for not posting I just haven't been very free because my dumbass school gave me 2 months off so I am stressed about that.

Luv y'all tho💘

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