24 - Packing

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*Kim pov*

Seb and I got home from our baby moon on Sunday and it's Tuesday today, I'm 35 weeks pregnant.
The baby's room is complete we have chosen the name a couple of days ago, now the last thing to do is pack mine and the baby's bag for the hospital, and that's what we're doing now!

I'm sitting on our bed with a list in hand, Seb is standing in front of it with the bag in the middle.
"Toiletries done" he says putting them away
"Good, moving on...socks, flip flops, two pj's, robe"
"Got it..."
"Then heating pad, nipple cream and breast pads, underwear, plenty of that, nursing bra"
"Yes, wait these undies?" He asks picking them up from the drawer and showing them to me
"Uhm...sweater, you never know, going home leggings and t-shirt"
"Do you want your pillow?"
"Mhm I don't know yet..."
"Ok, we still got time"
"Important documents?"
"In the side pocket"
"Baby stuff?"
"Uhuh. Sleepers, hats, blanket, pacifier, going home outfit"
"I'll assemble the car seat first thing tomorrow morning"
"Thank you"
"That's all?"
"I think we're done!"
"We did a good job!" He says leaning in to kiss my forehead
"I'm going to put this downstairs, be right back"

After getting off the bed I start a nice bath for the both of us, bubbles included.
"You ok?" He asks quickly coming in
"Drawing a bath for us..."
"Oh, that's really nice"
"Take those off" I tell him as I take my oversized t-shirt and underwear off.
We sit in the tub, I relax into him, my back pressed against his chest and his hands drawing small circles on my belly
"You look so beautiful"
"Thank you"
"I see you're learning taking compliments..."
"I'm trying..."
"Good" he says before leaving a few kisses on my neck

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"Movie?""No thanks, I'd rather stay like this

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"No thanks, I'd rather stay like this..."
"We can do that" he says slightly repositioning himself so that we're both more comfortable on our bed.
His hand never leaving my belly and his smile never leaving his face when he feels him kicking
"Do you ever think, when you feel him kick, about which sports he's going to do once he's old enough?"
"When he kicks really hard like he just did I'm sure he's either Gina be into soccer or maybe football..."
""Yeah...I'd like him to learn to swim as soon as he can"
"There are baby classes"
"I read that once, anyway it's way too soon for this stuff..." he says before yawning
"Why do we switch the lights off and go to sleep?"
"That's not a bad idea..."
We both get under the sheets, Sebastian lowers his head near my belly and starts to sing
"Culca-te, puiut micut,
Culca-te si te abua
Pâna mâine-n dalba ziua.
Si te culca si adormi
Pâna mâine-n dalbe zori"
(Go to asleep my tiny baby,
Try to sleep and get asleep
Till the white dawns break the day.
Then wake up as a grown child. Get asleep, my tiny baby
Till tomorrow in the dawn)
His voice so sweet and gentle that I fall asleep instantly...

Hope you guys had a nice weekend and that you liked this chapter!
You can expect a new Stucky/Evanstan Oneshot sometimes tomorrow!

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