Sneak peek 

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This is a little look into the next book:

Franny POV.

"What do you want me to do, this isn't how I expected this relationship to turn out either!" I yelled.

"Well good thing we ended when we did, because you are insufferable!" He fired back with an equal amount of venom lacing his voice.

"This is your fault, all of it. You were the one who shut me out!" He seethed, eyes laced with betrayal.

I felt the tears rise to the surface and blurring my vision.

"You were the one who broke up with me!" He stated in a lower tone.

"You are the one who did this to me. He said in a barely whisper.

I sat there with the tears freely rolling down my face. I refused to look at him, I couldn't fight back.

Because he is right.

"So don't sit there and tell me I'm the one who ruined everything."

"It was you." He stated.

I could here the wobble in his voice. The thick emotion in his voice was breaking me.

When I looked up at all I could see was I look of hurt and betrayal.

But what hurt the most was the look of regret that coated his face.

I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't, not now.
So, I sat there.
I stared at the broken man who stood in front of me.
With a deep sigh and a tired glance he turned and left me in complete silence in this unfamiliar room.

I used to think that from our darkest moments is when the most precious moments are born. Warren and I are the perfect example of this. He took me from my lowest of lows and had brought me to my highest of highs.

And after everything I realized that he was a Misfit just like me. A clog in a the machine, a disruption in the peace. But a misfit in his own way, a way that was the perfect complement to me. We were made for each other our disruption, can cause a beautiful catastrophe called.... Love.

I thought we would have a love that is labeled as "out of the ordinary" or "an abomination". One that can consume me entirely and that can create a wave in the perfectly still water. A love that would move mountains. A love that will be nurtured in life and death. A love that is so great that it is to complex to entirely comprehend.

A misfit type of love.

But now, after every thing I've done...

All we ever had was a love that was not meant to be.

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