chp. 08

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Hwayoung felt stupid for wearing such relaxed clothes even though she was already confirmed about the fact that her 'new roommate' was going to move in today

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Hwayoung felt stupid for wearing such relaxed clothes even though she was already confirmed about the fact that her 'new roommate' was going to move in today.

She assisted the two boys in moving in Jeonghan's belongings - however, she didn't feel like much of a help as the others did most of the work.

"You don't have a couch?" The Yoon questioned, referring to the nearly empty living room. "Or a coffee table?"

"No. Not yet. I just moved in a few days ago." Hwayoung responded, but the main reason was because she couldn't afford any proper furniture yet. 

After Joshua left, it was just the two in the apartment.

Finally, Hwayoung didn't feel lonely and she had a companion. But, it being the opposite gender and someone who she didn't feel like the clicked. She watched as the other switched between rooms, organising his belongings. 

It was around lunch time, so as a welcoming gift - Hwayoung decided to cook something for the two of them. However, she remembered that she didn't have much groceries left, so she needed to head out.

"I'm gonna go grocery shopping, I'll come back and make brunch for the two of us." She announced, taking her tote bag from her room and the keys that hung on the wall at the entrance of their apartment. 

As soon as she was about to leave, a voice interrupted her journey. "Why don't we just eat out?"

It was a lovely idea but the Song realised that it probably would be more expensive to eat out rather than make use of some ingredients. "It's okay, I need to buy groceries. Plus, I need to save some money." She insisted. 

Unlocking the door, she felt something tap her back.

Turning around, she met eye contact with the male's chest. He was towering her shorter figure - one hand in his pocket while the other held out a credit card. 

"Use this." He offered, a grin plastered on his face.

The Song felt her heart beat against her ribcage as she looked up towards him. She couldn't accept the offer, especially for the fact that they just met.

"Oh no, it's fine." She shook her head and her hands in a 'no' motion. 

She turned back around, facing the door, and while fully opening it, something slid into her tote bag. 

"Just use it." Jeonghan smiled, locking the door after she stepped foot outside onto the carpet hallways. 

The female walked with two heavy grocery bags on each hand, dragging her down every time she stepped.

It was clearly annoying and made her sweat, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Once she reached the elevator, she could finally drop the burdensome and overweighted bags, wiping her sweat off with the back of her hand. Pressing onto the button, the elevator arrived and she had to pick up the bags again.

Hanging her keys onto the key-hanger, she raked her eyes over the place, noticing that the familiar male was nowhere in sight.

As she trailed over to the kitchen, pulling up the heavy grocery bags onto the kitchen island, she heard the sounds of water rushing down coming from the bathroom. This meant that her roommate was showering. 

Using this time to surprise him, she quickly coordinated all the newly-purchased groceries into their designated cabinets or drawers and began cooking. Tying up her hair into an effortless bun and rolling up the sleeves of her loose hoodie. She already thought about what to make while she was on the way home from the grocery store.

She resulted in making naengmyeon; a traditional Korean dish, icy cold noodles. Gathering all the ingredients, she began to unbox the packet of concentrated broth.

It had been around 10 minutes since she started cooking.

As she was too focused on the developing meal in front of her, she didn't notice the male that exited the bathroom.

Silently, Jeonghan rubbed his wet hair with a freshly new hair towel, shaking his head as he did so. He was wearing a plain white tshirt with sleeves that reached his elbows and a pair of black sweat pants. 

Observing as the female made one of his favourite dishes, he headed over to take a seat at the kitchen island, his towel left around his neck.

Hwayoung finally perceived this, looking up from the large silver bowl. 

She paused at his visual. The way his damp hair fell over his forehead, his dark brown eyes peeking through. His face rested as he stared back at her.

Throwing herself out her her trance, she continued cooking. "Sorry for the wait. I'll be done soon." She assured, continuing to pour the icy broth over the drained noodles. 

The Yoon chuckled, his eyes following as her hands moved in skilful ways.

Back at the base where he and his members lived, he was usually the one that cooked along with a few other members. It felt weird simply sitting and staring rather than being the one doing the work. In attempt of being useful, he got up from his seat and collected the chopsticks and spoons from the lower drawer. 

Soon enough, Hwayoung's first dish made for two people at this apartment was completed. She smiled at her own master piece, separating the two bowls for each person. Signalling for Jeonghan to take a seat, she motioned her hands in a waving gesture. 

The two were sitting right next to each other, enjoying their meals delightfully in a set of comfortable silence.

The two were sitting right next to each other, enjoying their meals delightfully in a set of comfortable silence

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Describing their appearances r so fun for some reason also thoughts so far???

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