chp. 58

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Sitting on her desk with an array of books and documents lined up, her neck was bent over the current file she was working on, black hair tied into a low bun and a black pen between her fingers.

The female lawyer sat focused, eyes raking over the names and their details. 

She heard the lights turn off in the other offices, leaving her only room lit dim compared to the rest of the dark workplace. Nonetheless, she stayed concentrated on her task, occasionally facing the stack of papers to skim through some notes. 

A knock rose upon the office door, "Come in!" She called out.

"Hwayoung! It's getting late, you should stop working." Hansol scolded, leaving the door ajar with his leather satchel hung across his body. 

The Song looked up to her friend, her co-worker, "Wait a second, I just need to finish this." 

The Chwe chuckled at the female, "The rest of them invited you for dinner tonight. We haven't went out in a while since graduation." He frowned. 

"Of course!" Hwayoung cheerfully responded, signing off the last piece of her files before shutting it close. 

"Are you sure your boy friend will be fine with it?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow with a cheeky tease.

"He's probably with his friends anyways. He'll understand." The Song smiled, pulling off her wool coat from the metal rack and slipping it over her clothed arms. 

"Alright, they'll be picking us up. Let's go." Hansol motioned a beckoning gesture in which the female immediately followed and turned off the lights to her office.

The two lawyers passed by a few other workers who decided to stay overtime. They exited the elevator and passed by the automatic sliding doors, greeting the figures to a nightly breeze of Seoul. 

The miscellaneous lights and signs across the towering office lightened up the darkness as the friends waited on the side path.

Soon, Seungkwan's car pulled up, rolling down a window.

"Let's go! Get in." Goeun hurried, the short-blonde female peeking behind the clear, glass panels. 

The two hopped into the vehicle, heading off to have 'dinner' together. 

The ride was around half an hour, making Hwayoung wondered where they were going. She assumed it was probably some fancy diner that they were planning in the city, so, she shrugged the thought off. 

It neared 7 o'clock in the evening, and the group of college friends reached the seaside of Seoul, inhaling the salty and mineralic aroma through their nostrils.

"Woah, are we eating at the beach?" The Song questioned, already astonished at the dusk view. 

"Hwayoung, can you go check in our reservation, we're a bit late. We'll go park the car." Jihyun requested with round eyes.

"Wait, what-" Before she could continue being dumbfounded, her friends pushed her out the vehicle and quickly drove off, leaving the female figure alone as the darkness loomed over her.

However, the view was beautiful and she wasn't complaining that she got the first view of it. But, she didn't know exactly which restaurant her friends were referring to. Instead, she simply strolled across the landscape, feet pattering over the sand as she looked for the restaurant. 

"Lost?" A familiar male voice called out from behind.

Hwayoung instantly whipped her head to the back, a huge grin plastered on her lips. "Han! What are you doing here?"

"How was work?" The Yoon inquired, ignoring the previous question that his partner asked. He slipped a hand into the pocket of his sweatpants, the other intertwining with Hwayoung's. 

Her eyes drifted down to their interlocked hands, feeling the warmth and comfort of his touch. 

"It was good. But, as busy as usual." She answered, "What about you?"

"No missions today. We just trained and practiced." Jeonghan replied, head facing the horizon while the wind pushed his loose shirt against his body. The couple continued to walk, the beach was empty but that's what they were grateful for.

"Oh shit- I have a reservation I have to check in with my friends." The Song gaped, halting in her steps.

Jeonghan laughed in response, "Don't worry. I spoke to them beforehand." He reassured.  

Their two figures grew closer to the water, the sounds of sea current and the scent of the sea water became more prominent. 

The female tucked herself within her winter coat that protected her from the chilly and numbing atmosphere, her long black hair blowing in the same direction as the wind. 

The Yoon's steps paused right when they reached the coastline, letting go off his girl friend's hands, making the other frown in disappointment.

He turned over to her shorter figure, a smirk etched on his lips as he reached for something in his pocket. Hwayoung observed the black-haired male, eyes widening in shock when he kneeled one knee onto the grainy sand surface. 

This was Jeonghan's first time, he had no clue what to do. Does he just kneel and ask "Will you marry me?" or is that too cliche?

He felt his heart beating uncontrollably at that moment, opening the box to reveal the shining piece of jewellery, decorated with a glowing stone.

"Young, will you marry me? Will you lock in to be my one and only for the rest of my life?" 

The Song had her mouth slightly parted, preventing any tears from spilling out. In less than a second, she answered him. "Yes. I will, Han."

A wide grin rose from the male's lips as he slipped on the ring onto her finger of the left hand. He pushed himself up from his position, tucking Hwayoung's loose hair behind her ears. 

He wrapped an arm around her clothed waist, the other lifted to her cheek. 

She looked up at him, admiring his features. She was now engaged to the love of her life. "Han."


"I love you."

Hwayoung closed the distance between their lips, in which the taller male leaned down and kissed the other back. He caressed her cheek with his warm fingers, their lips dancing in sync as enchantment linked them into a state of love and confession. 

"Wow!" A large group of men ran to the couple and cheered, along with another group of friends. 

A laugh fell from the couple's lips, their eyes creasing at the sight of each other. 

I am so sorry for the late epilogue 😖 But I just wanted to say how much I missed writing these two characters I think I have an attachment

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I am so sorry for the late epilogue 😖 But I just wanted to say how much I missed writing these two characters I think I have an attachment... ANYWAYS I MISS U ALL AND I LOVE U ALL I HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED READING!!!!! 

Also I had to republish this part because I accidentally used my other book's header ummmm

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