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We heard the door slam shut, meaning Ji-eun had left. Nabi let out a large sigh of relief, and I simply rolled my eyes.

"Did you see her makeup?" Nabi pressed her lips together, resisting a giggle.

"Please, that nose contour is very interesting." I let out a chuckle, just remembering those two unblended lines on her nose.

"Tell me about it." She chuckled, "Are you actually going to go to the welcoming party? I hear it's always a drunken mess every year."

"Uh are you serious? Absolutely, free drinks and food? I'm in, regardless if there's a bunch of drunken people having sex in a corner or not. I'm there." I told her, standing up and looking through my closet for something to change into.

"Say less, let me change too and I'll walk down with you." Nabi smiled, walking out of my room and into hers.

I picked out a cute yet casual outfit. Not too extravagant to where people may think I'm trying to show off, but not too casual that makes it seem like I'm homeless or something. It was exactly in the middle.

I touched up a bit of my makeup and made my way out of my room, grabbing a small handbag and my phone. I looked at Nabi, who was dressed more on the extravagant side, still, she was less dressed than Ji-eun.

We made our way to the designated spot, and already, there was music blasting - lights - drunk people, and a large amount of noise.

Well, this will surely be fun.


Unlike what I thought, the party was actually fun. I managed to keep control of my alcohol, so I don't completely kill myself before the first day, or make a fool of myself.

I even managed to find Chaeyoung through these huge crowds of people. We sat together outside, it was pretty late and dark. The breeze chilled the two of us, and now I regret not bringing a coat or a jacket.

"How's your dorm then?" Chaeyoung asked, sitting beside me on the stairs. It was so quiet and cold outside.

"Oh god, It could be worse. I have a girl from a Chaebol family." I shuddered, just thinking about that nightmarish contour again. That was permanently engraved into my head.

"Chaebol?!" Chaeyoung almost spat out her soju.

"I knoooow, and she has a reputation of ruining lives too." I whined, leaning my head on Chaeyoung's shoulder.

"Oouuch, and the other girl?" Chaeyoung asked.

"She's okay, she has the same views as me on the Chaebol girl." I told her, shrugging.

"God, you better suck up to her hard, or she'll probably ruin your life." Chaeyoung took a large sip of her soju as if she was some alcoholic.

"That's what I was telling myself." I pouted, feeling a little annoyed at the dorm placements, "Do you think I'll last in college?"

"Uhhhhh, do you want me to be honest or not?" Chaeyoung looked at me, and I stared at her, "Okay.. well, definitely not."

I groaned at her reply, she couldn't even be enthusiastic about this could she? Not even the slightest?

I placed my head in my arms, just thinking about if it would be too late to move rooms or not. I mean, surely they are all full, but perhaps someone might want to swap?

Chaeyoung put her arm around me as I sulked.

"Go to sleep girl, you've got a long few years ahead of you. May as well not be sleep deprived." Chaeyoung attempted to console me, and for once, I listened to her. 

My first lecture started at 12, and currently, it was 1am. So, it was probably a sensible choice to go back to my dorm.

"I guess." I stood up as she did too, giving her a quick hug before making the long, treacherous walk towards my dorm room.

I was in such a bad mood over this, even though Ji-eun didn't do anything to me yet, I could just tell the moment was coming, it was soon to arrive.

Was it seriously too late to switch dorms?

I gave a groan, knocking on the dorm room first, to see if anyone is inside. I waited for a bit, knocked again, and turns out nobody is inside. I shrugged, reaching for my handbag and digging to find my roomkey.

I searched, dug in my handbag, emptied it all out, but my keycard was not there. At all.

I suddenly remembered that I had left it on my vanity, before I left. Frustrated, I rubbed my face with my hands, not sure what to do.

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