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I looked up at him, true fear resided in my heart. Whatever I felt earlier was just preparing me for now.

Sunghoon slid his phone back into his pocket, unamused and staring me down for a while. His gaze was cold, coldest I've seen ever.

"Sunghoon I promise you, I didn't ask for this-" I tried to explain myself, knowing it wouldn't do much.

"I was wondering what the fuck was going on when Nabi refused to let me in to see you." Sunghoon gave a low scoff, "Didn't know my own fucking best friend kissed my girlfriend, and my girlfriend didn't tell me."

He was so pissed.

"Sunghoon I was actually so upset- I didn't even know what to do.." I looked at him, my eyes pleading for some warmth.

His jaw clenched, like it always does when he's mad.

"So you just ignore me for the whole day, and I have to figure out through Chaeyoung?" Sunghoon spoke, and as he said her name, I looked at him, my eyes slightly furrowing.


"She's the one who showed me the video." Sunghoon glared at me, "Why."

"I'm pretty sure she's trying to break us up." I muttered, he probably wouldn't believe it anyways, "I swear Sunghoon, I didn't want Jay near me at all."

I knew he knew that I despised Jay, and clearly the video showed me immediately pull away and about to yell at Jay. But I understood why he was mad.

"Pfft, I still can't believe my best friend kissed my girlfriend." Sunghoon slowly walked around his room, the atmosphere was very tense.

"Sunghoon, I'm so sorry." I thought I was genuinely gonna break into tears, "He told me to meet him at a cafe, and he asked if you were busy, I promise you I didn't go with the intention of meeting him alone let alone kissing him."

Sunghoon stopped wandering around his room, and looked at his desk, picking something up and messing with it in his hand.

"I'm going to fucking kill both of them." He grunt in a mutter, dropping the thing in his hand and storming out of his room.

I hurriedly tried to follow behind, my heart beating faster by the second. I wasn't sure how I could even function at the rate my heart was beating at.

As I tried my best to trail Sunghoon's furious steps, I made it to Jay's dorm room, where the door was wide open, yelling was heard. I scurried inside, Heeseung attempting to pull Sunghoon off Jay.

Sunghoon whacked three solid punches at Jay, he ended up falling to the floor, Sunghoon staring down at him with anger written in his eyes.

Heeseung held him back.

"Try and lay a single finger on my girlfriend again. Not even, try and speak to her, and watch." Sunghoon spat, his words were no joke - fully serious.

"Sunghoon, please." My voice shook, holding his arm as he looked over at me, his eyes not even remotely warm.

I gently pulled at his arm, he thankfully followed me out of the dorm, but started to storm off once more. I grabbed his arm, catching up to his angrily fast pace.

He stopped, looking at me.

"Please, can you just.. not." I stared up at him, hopeful that he'd calm down a little bit. My eyes began to tear, everything was overwhelming.

He let out a sigh, looking to his left and then back at me. His cold expression faintly softening.

"I expect to see you in my dorm when I come back." Sunghoon spoke, his voice finally less threatening.

"Where are you going..?" I timidly asked him, It genuinely scared me seeing him so mad.

"I need a fucking drink." He groaned lightly, walking off. My heart throbbed, like, the pain felt so real.

I watched him walk down, feeling nothing but pathetic. Man, I really fucked up so hard, I don't even know what to do to soothe Sunghoon.

Nonetheless, I made my way back into his dorm, it was the least I could do. I felt shame even being in Sunghoon's room, so instead, I just lay on my bed, staring into space silently.

The guilt was so horrid.

p.sunghoon → jasmineWhere stories live. Discover now