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Five minutes in. Five. And I was already suffering from the worst discomfort and monotony I have ever experienced.

Jay kept on trying to make subtle hits on me, try and make funny jokes, but it just wasn't working. If I had to take a shot every time I gave a fake laugh or a smile, my liver would have failed by now.

Each minute felt like ten, and I just tried to enjoy myself as much as I possibly could.

"So, what's with you and Sunghoon? Heard you two are on bad terms." Jay suddenly mentioned out of nowhere, I looked up at him, wondering what the reason was for striking up this topic.

"Uh, not so much on bad terms." I told him vaguely, taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh, really?" Something in Jay's eyes hardened, staring at me intently.

"Yeah, it wasn't much of a big deal anyways." I said, it was. The deal was very big, however, I still decided to lie, because I wasn't sure about the look he was giving me right now.

"Hm." Jay thought for a second, "Is he busy right now?"

Again, another weird question. I gave a sigh, I couldn't suspect Jay of much at this point - yes he was a little weird and his aura generally made me pretty uncomfortable - but he wasn't doing anything visibly strange enough for me to back away from him.

"Yeah, he'll probably be busy for the whole day or so." I shrugged, checking the time on my phone discreetly.

Time passed slower and slower by the second, but we finished our food and drinks finally, and stood up, about to leave.

Jay suddenly grabbed my hand, pulling me back to him. I widened my eyes, wondering what the hell he was doing.

"Uh, Jay?" I attempted to nicely yank my hand off him - however, his grip lasted.

"Wow, your hands are pretty cold." His tone innocent and completely oblivious, he dragged me out of the cafe, holding my hand still.

I finally managed to slip my hand out of his, simply wishing that I could teleport back to the dorms.

The walk back was awkward as hell too, I was even debating on calling Sunghoon, but I didn't really want to disturb him and cause another disagreeal between us. I just put up with it, and thankfully, we ended up in the main entrance of the university.

I was about to say my goodbyes after reciting them in my head over and over, but Jay seemed to have other plans.

He looked at me, the way you look at a girl when you're about to confess something. I just cursed and prayed that's not what he was going to do.

"Seoyeon." He spoke, just my name, and here it comes, "You know, I was kinda wishing we'd hang out more after I saw you at that party."

Please don't say anymore.

"Aha... right.." I looked around, wishing for the world to cave in right now.

"I don't know how to say this." Jay scratched the nape of his neck, looking up at me with hopeful eyes, "I was kinda hoping you and Sunghoon would break up.." He gave a meek chuckle, and I just stared at him - wishing that he'd just stop embarrassing himself.

"Uh, Jay.." I said, Jay perking his head to look at me, "What are you getting at right now."

"Basically, I can't say it in words but." He swiftly came up close to me, kissing me on the lips and the second my brain realised what was going on, I quickly pulled away.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I wiped my lips constantly, Jay looking at me, a little guiltily, "Jay your best friend is my fucking boyfriend!!!" I was having a meltdown over this.

"Seoyeon I can't hide my feelings anym-"

"Well maybe you should've?!?" I was genuinely at a loss for words, and in a fit of confusion, anger, and fear, I scurried away - heading straight to the dorms.

I didn't even know if I wanted to go into Sunghoon's dorm, in fear that he'll be in there. The amount of guilt my body consumed was unbelievable, sure, the kiss last less than second, matter of fact it wouldn't even be classed as a kiss - more of a peck.

But that didn't change the fact that I felt as if I just cheated on Sunghoon with 3 different men all at once.

I hesitated, my hand on the door handle. I took in a deep breath, walking inside and straight to my room. Thankfully nobody was here yet, this gave me a chance to think through all my thoughts right now.

I changed, immediately washing my face with all my skincare products, even ensuring that I triple scrubbed my lips. No way this just happened.

In the end, I resided back into Nabi's dorm, I'd just sit in here til I thought everything through.

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