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The whole remainder of the day, I had a huge headache and just wanted to do nothing. So, as a solution, I simply went to sleep, ignoring everything and anything.

When I woke up, it was still early in the morning, and the headache seemed to be even worse. For some reason though, I heard chatter in my dorm.

I groaned, holding my head with my palm as I sat up straight, man I should probably ban myself from drinking so much.

I managed to stand upright after a while of pure confusion. My head was in a huge spiral of knots and my stomach in another. I wobbled, regaining my balance as I head out of my room.

I opened my door, leaning on the frame and staring at the people in my dorm. Why the fuck was the whole gang here, more or less, and at six in the morning?

Their eyes dart to me, and I just stared back. They looked paranoid, nervous and worried, whereas I just gave them a very perplexed and annoyed stare.

"Oh. Hey." Nabi gave a small smile, I didn't give her a smile or anything back.

"What are you all doing here." Was the first thing I said, in such a harsh tone they pressed their lips together and looked around.

"Uh.. we just came to discuss something.." Heeseung told, though I could see by his face and everybody else's that it was not the case.

The only people who weren't here were Chaeyoung and Sunghoon. Pfft, I wouldn't be surprised if they were sharing the same bed together right now.

I didn't argue back anymore, I just shut my door and sat back on my bed, the hangover actually kicking in now.


I missed my lectures today, it was the last ones before the break started once again. However, I found myself throwing up twice and suffering from the worst headache ever throughout the day. I think that ought to teach me a lesson with my alcohol tolerance.

I sighed after taking a long, hot, shower. There was actually nothing to do, up until Nabi stormed into my room. I gripped onto my towel tighter, wondering what the urgency was that she had to come in like that.

"Hey!" Nabi panted heavily, staring at me with widened eyes, "Let's go."

I stared at her as if she was insane? Yeah, let's go while I'm just wrapped in a towel. I stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate her answer perhaps.

"What?" I blinked rapidly at her, very confused.

"Come oooon, quick! Change! We're going somewhere." Nabi eagerly spoke, and I looked at her, amused. How did she think I could change when she's in the room with me.

She seemed to get the memo, leaving hurriedly for me to change. I wondered what the hell she was playing at, everybody seemed pretty suspicious today. But, I didn't argue again, and instead changed rather quickly, fixing my hair and applying some lipbalm.

The second I left my room, she grabbed my wrist, dragging me and rushing out of the dorm room. We basically ran to the sport hall, I bit my tongue, realising what this was about. My pace suddenly slowed down, and I was in less of a hurry to walk in.

But, despite my reluctancy, we still made it in and sat down on the bleachers. There were a ton of people here, people holding up signs, shouting, screaming, yelling and cheering. Wow, this will just do me perfect for my hangover.

I sat there, arms crossed and unamused. Even more unamused as I watched Chaeyoung walk in and head straight to the teams, or in specifically, Sunghoon's team.

She went up to him and talked to him for a second, laughing about something and handing him a water bottle. Sunghoon didn't smile, nor laugh, nor really say anything by the looks of it. He just took the bottle with a stoic face, placing it on one of the benches.

She made her way up the bleachers, with such a proud smile on her face, sitting with Jay. Those two are insanely similar, why can't Chaeyoung just harass Jay instead?

Meanwhile, the game had started, and I just wanna say that I have never seen Sunghoon play so angrily before, like all the previous games, sure, you could tell he was like, mad or something, but I swear to god this guy was about to get violent.

Sweat glistened on his face, and although you could see he was visibly tired, he still continued to play equally as hard. I couldn't stop focusing on him for the entire match, even more so when it ended.

As the referee signalled the game was over, the win was awarded to Sunghoon's team, they all cheered, however Sunghoon didn't join in, instead he walked towards the outskirts of the court, and suddenly out of nowhere, collapsed onto the floor.

My heart stopped the second I saw his body fall to the floor, gasps and worry filled the bleachers and a bunch of people came up to Sunghoon, trying to help.

p.sunghoon → jasmineWhere stories live. Discover now