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"Get up." A voice gently shook my shoulders, "God this girl can sleep through everything." He sighed, persisting with trying to wake me up.

I rolled over, annoyed by the irritance.

I was suddenly greeted with coldness, he had took the cover off me, and even had the audacity to take away the bear. This, actually made me wake up.

I slowly sat up, my hair probably a mess, eyes squinting and trying to adjust to the bright light from the window.

I finally opened my eyes, and looked around the room, realising I wasn't in my actual dorm room. Fuck, all the memories recalled back to me.

I fixed my posture, and looked at Sunghoon, who simply stared at me blankly.

"That took too much effort." He groaned, holding both bear and the cover in his hands.

"What time is it?" I inquired, big mistake.

"Like, 11am?" He told me and I widened my eyes, immediately rushing off the bed and grabbing my phone, purse and whatever else.

I ran out of the room, looking for my shoes. Sunghoon calmly followed behind me, staring at the scene playing in front of him.

"What is wrong with you, seriously?" He admired how frantic I was. I stopped rushing, staring at him.

"The lecture starts at 12. I have a singular hour, not even that, less than an hour. I don't even know if I'll be able to get into my dorm." I felt nervous, and a little frustrated at the inconvenience that I wasn't in my dorm.

I suppose that was my own fault.

"Just go like this then?" He had the audacity to tell me, and I stopped putting my shoes on, just to glare at him.

"And make everyone think I sleep on the benches outside of the campus? Very funny joke Sunghoon." I continued with putting my shoes, and actually checking I had everything.

"You look good, just fix your hair." He told me, men are so simple, seriously? This looked fine? Hair a mess, outfit too casual, probably smell like a man.

"You are trying to sabotage me, and I don't like that." I told him, heading out of his room as he followed behind, a little further. I was basically making a run for my room, and I made it quickly, Sunghoon shortly following behind.

I turned to him, before knocking on my door.

"Why are you still here." I asked him, then knocking on my door.

"Just wanna say hello to my old classmates." He gave an angelic smile, and I scoffed, to my surprise, just when Nabi opened the door.

She widened her eyes before giving me a quick hug.

"Oh my god, I was wondering where you disappeared off to, are you okay girl?" Nabi asked me, Ji-eun appeared too, looking at me while curling her hair. She didn't say anything, not up until Sunghoon stood beside me.

There was silence amongst us.

"Park Sunghoon?" Ji-eun's voice randomly raised like a pitch higher, Nabi immediately looked at me. We exchanged the exact same glances.

"Oh, hey, Ji-eun." He gave a small laugh, Ji-eun quickly finished her hair and fixed the front pieces. I squeezed through, I really had to shower quickly and get ready while they had a conversation.


I stepped out the shower, I had to immediately dry my hair and change. I wrapped a towel on myself, foremost, and quickly stepped outside to grab the hairdryer from Nabi's room.

But to my surprise, they had just invited Sunghoon in. He looked at me, and I looked at him, while I was in my towel.

"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." I groaned in frustration as he laughed, looking away.

"Don't even worry, I will look away." Sunghoon looked in the opposite direction, then on his phone.

"You better." I grumbled, grabbing the hairdryer from Nabi's room and making my way into my room, where I dried my hair at lightspeed, changed and prepared myself fully.

Now, I look presentable, this is someone that can actually do their first college lecture and not feel humiliated by their first appearance. Before I left my room, I sprayed some of that Jasmine perfume onto me, it immediately calmed my senses, just by the scent.

I stepped out of my room, ready and feeling pretty. I was pretty, matter of fact.

Obviously, Sunghoon and the two were still sat in the living room, conversing and whatever, before I came out. They all just stared at me as I grabbed a drink from the kitchen.

I turned around, a little confused by the silence, and then seeing all the eyes on me.

"..Uh...?" I looked at the three eyes, they all suddenly stopped looking at me and went back to talking.

I passed by them, grabbing something from a shelf real quick, ensuring that my keycard is in there.

As Ji-eun was talking, Sunghoon suddenly cut her off.

"Hey, Seoyeon, you smell good." Sunghoon stared at me as I looked at him, unsure if he meant that to me.

"Me?" I asked him just to make sure.


You should've seen the look on Ji-eun's face.

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