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Chaeyoung had accidentally cut herself while chopping up her last ingredients. What? Did the news startle her that much?

I looked at Nabi and Jay rushing to help her, but she refused, glancing over at my direction to where Sunghoon was.

I looked at Sunghoon, who still, was staring at me.

"Your girlfriend needs help." I bluntly told him, he gave a scoff, I looked back at my phone and ignored him continually looking at me.

"You're so jealous." Sunghoon muttered with a smirk, before standing up and heading to where Chaeyoung was.

"What happened?" He asked Chaeyoung, I intently listened into their conversation. I was so focused that I didn't even pay attention to my phone.

"Ouch, Sunghoon, it really hurts." She cried out, and I rolled my eyes, not even wanting to hear her voice. But I was intrigued, what was she gonna do?

"It.. looks like a papercut." Heeseung chimed in, seemed like they all gathered around Chaeyoung and her miniscule cut.

"Well, it's not." Chaeyoung snapped back, continuing to whine about her cut. Whateeveerr girl.

"We got any plasters in here?" Jungwon asked, and Sunghoon shrugged.

I stood up, having enough of this conversation, and despite my casual ass outfit, I made my way out of the door, ensuring that I slammed it hard enough for it to echo.

No way was I gonna stay in that obnoxious ass room with Chaeyoung acting like a little bitch. I made my way back into my actual dorm, and a little disturbed, hearing some noises from Ji-eun's room.

I paused, debating whether I should stay in here.

Her door suddenly opened, revealing a guy, in his boxers. We looked at each other in shock as he stopped.

"Uh - sorry - I'll just-" I turned around, heading back out in an urgent pace. What the fuck?

I can't even stay in my own dorm anymore. I sighed, walking down and out of the door rooms. Okay, well it was pretty cold outside, and I was in a t-shirt and shorts. So, I suppose the only thing I could do was deal with the cold.

I walked out of the campus, heading towards the convenience store nearby. I scanned the shelves, looking around for something to snack on. I pondered what to do for the remainder of the day.

I could go and see Jaehyun? I mean, it'd be a long train ride but I suppose it's one way to kill time.

The doorbell of the convenience store jingled, and I finally managed to pick out a snack. These convenience stores were evil, being right beside the campus too? It was such a good business since every student went here after school.

"You not cold?" A familiar voice jeered, beside me. I turned around, looking up at the figure that spoke.

I groaned lightly, turning around and walking to the cashier. So did he, after picking up what he needed, he placed his stuff with mine and pushed in front to pay.

"You paying together?" The cashier asked, unsure if he should scan both our items together.

"No." I said.

"Yes." He said.

The cashier looked at us, blankly blinking at us. He didn't really know what to do, but still, scanned all our items together.

"Stop acting like this." Sunghoon sneered, putting his card forward to pay.

"I'm not even doing anything." I rolled my eyes and lightly shook my head, what did this guy want from me.

"Uh, yeah you are." He replied in the same amount of attitude as I gave him, he grabbed my stuff along with his. I didn't even say anything, I just walked out, greeted by the cold ass breeze.

"Okay." I coldly replied, I am not going to fight with this guy.

He let out a groan, then took his coat off and putting it on me instead. Immediately, the warm running straight to my body, as good as it felt, I wanted to be petty.

"Don't act petty, keep it on." Sunghoon cut my thoughts off, as if he could read them. Yeah, whatever Sunghoon.

I walked beside him in silence, not intending on speaking to him. We were reaching our corridor of dorms, and instead of walking to his, I stopped at my door, searching for my keycard. Sunghoon stopped, looking at me with such an offended expression.

"Are you serious right now?" His voice cut me off, he sounded pretty annoyed.

I stopped searching for my keycard, turning to look at him. He did also, look pretty annoyed.

"What are you crying over now?" I rolled my eyes, his eyebrows lightly raised.

"Get over here." He demanded, didn't even say it politely anything, but by his face, he meant business.

"Pfft, as if, I'm not gonna be sucking your dick Sunghoon." I scoffed, silence coming from him as pulled out my keycard.

"You unlock that door, I will literally drag you by the hair to my dorm." Sunghoon spoke, his tone meant seriousness.

I stopped, looking at him again.

"Pull my hair then." I told him straight, I realised it sounded a little weird after, but I already said it so.

I unlocked the door, about to open the door, until Sunghoon gently grasped my hair and refrained me from even opening it. His hand moved down to dragging the hood of the coat, walking me to his room forcefully.

"I told you I would."

p.sunghoon → jasmineWhere stories live. Discover now