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"How did I even make you mad?" I grasped ahold of myself, and asked the questions that needed to be answered.

Sunghoon let out a breathy chuckle.

"Think about it." He vaguely said, this guy could not be serious.

"I am??" I gave him some attitude, he couldn't just be straight-up with me?

He turned his neck, staring at me intently. His face was suggestive, lips curled slightly upwards into a smirk, eyes gently raised.

"Attitude?" Sunghoon stared at me for an answer. And I pressed my lips gently together, unable to say anything else.

"What the fuck about it?" I found myself again, hell no, just cause he was irresistible and all, doesn't mean I have to act like his princess.

Sunghoon stared at me, the gaze said EVERYTHING. Like, EVERYTHING. Not only that glare, but that smug grin on his lips.

He looked at me, in silence, and at this point, my heart was racing.

"Hm?" He tilt his head, still looking at me with the same stare.

I swallowed hard, unable to look at him in the eyes. I crossed my arms, trying to control the pulsating heartbeat that was about to jump out of my chest.

I could see him still staring at me from my peripheral.

"You wanna say it politely?" Sunghoon asked me, in some mocking tone, I turned my head to look at him, swallowing hard as I looked at him in the eyes, then looking away.

".. I don't even know what I did.." I looked around the hall, speaking a little quieter than previously.

"Just think about it." Sunghoon gave a chuckle, his lips forming into a smile, "Anyways, need to practice. Better see you up on those bleachers."

I didn't say anything, just went up to the bleachers and sat somewhere where there was space. I looked down to my lap, god, that man's aura is actually so dominating.

"Are you Sunghoon's girlfriend or something?" A random student beside me asked, her friends peering at me too.

"What? No?" I nervously chuckled as she looked at me, matter of fact, all three just stared at me.

"How come he's giving you special treatment?" Another asked, and I thought about it, okay sure, maybe he was giving me special treatment.

"Uh, I don't know.. I did him a favour so.." I cleared my throat as Sunghoon and his team started to practice.

Throughout the next twenty minutes, these girls would not stop pestering me about what Sunghoon likes, what his type is, things he does in his spare time, if he likes any girls and much more. It was so irritating to the point where I stood up and literally left, heading to the dorm.

When I say I was heading to the dorm, I mean I went into Sunghoon's dorm. I guess it was just comforting being here, his dorm always smelled heavy of cologne, but then slightly of my fragrance.

I threw away the food that went cold on the side, looking in the cupboard and grabbing a snack for myself to eat. All this running about, attention and whatever made me hungry as hell.

Finally, I went into my room, and threw myself onto the bed, what an exhausting day. I was just glad that it was break now, no lectures or anything like that.

My room in Sunghoon's dorm progressively became more decorated than the one at Ji-eun's. Whoops. I don't even know how that happened, but I preferred being here than with Ji-eun.

I changed into some more comfortable clothes, a larger t-shirt with shorts underneath. Now this, was an outfit I could cope in.

My soft skin against the cold sheets of the bed just felt like heaven to me, I lay there for a while, staring at the ceiling before realising I looked insane.

I turned on a series, tucking myself in comfortably, with my food and dimmed lights. The rest of the dorm was silent, and it was just me, this was perfect, exactly what I needed right now.

Midway through the show, I found myself tearing up from one of the scenes. Now, I rarely cry over shows, but this? It was actually breaking my heart.

Eventually, I stopped crying and continued watching the show like normal. Up until I heard the dorm door slam shut.


Is Sunghoon back? I checked the time, and it seemed reasonable for him to be back at this time. I listened for his footsteps, he walked around for a bit, stopped, then walked into his room.

What? He wasn't going to check if I was in here? Did he even know I'm in here?

I stood up, confused, maybe it wasn't even Sunghoon. Okay, it was a little scary at first, who knows if it was some random guy or if it was Sunghoon.

I walked into his room, right in the moment as he took his shirt off. Goddamn.

He stopped, holding his shirt in his hand, and stared at me. Oh, I know what the look means, his glare was cold, he was not in a good mood right now.

He looked from my face, to my outfit.

"That's my shirt by the way." Sunghoon bluntly said, pulling a hoodie over his head. I looked down, oh, maybe he was right. 

p.sunghoon → jasmineWhere stories live. Discover now