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"He's avoiding me, it's so obvious. But he's hanging out with Chaeyoung? That village girl?" She scoffed, then looked at me and realised what she said, "Oops, sorry."

"It's fine." I sighed, listening to her rant.

"But like, It's not fair, because in high school, everybody thought we'd be together, and out of nowhere? He just started acting cold towards me during high school, and continuing during college." Ji-eun groaned in frustration, holding her hair, "There is no way Sunghoon likes Chaeyoung."

"I mean like, look at her. She's just so not his type, I don't even understand how they get along. Chaeyoung doesn't tick any of Sunghoon's boxes." She complained.

"I don't know Ji-eun, maybe she is now. You know, just because someone has a type, doesn't mean they'll abide by it." I told her, typing something on my laptop.

"Yeah but listen, so many guys want me, and he doesn't? Pfft, he has to be joking if he's going to pick Chaeyoung over me." She added.

"So.. then what even is Sunghoon's type?" I asked, out of curiosity, if Chaeyoung isn't Sunghoon's type, what actually is?

"Hm, basically, he likes girls who are smart, pretty, prefers long hair, short. You know, all of that." Ji-eun stated, and I could probably guess a few more.

Well, she was right, Chaeyoung didn't really fit much of Sunghoon's type. But still, maybe he does like her.

"I don't know Ji-eun, I feel maybe it's personality then. Chaeyoung is pretty funny, so, I suppose that could attract him." I shrugged, sighing at this topic, it was a little knife to the heart at the fact that Sunghoon doesn't feel any romantic feelings towards me, but it is what it is.

"But I am funny!" She slammed her hands on the table, causing a few people to look at her, "I'm rich, my dad's company has good business with his dad. I'm pretty, skinny, I'm everything he could ever need."

I let out another sigh, this girl could not be real.

I was literally exhausted and I had this girl ranting at me.

"I don't know Ji-eun, I'm not Sunghoon-!" I stopped myself from getting mad at her, "Just, ask him or something. You think you're good enough for Sunghoon, so go and talk to him, if you don't talk to him, nothing between you two will ever happen."

I genuinely had zero energy for this, and really, reflecting back on my words, I should've probably taken my own advice.

She gave a small smile.

"Thank you Seoyeon. Sorry for disturbing you." She waved, standing up and walking off. 

Maybe Ji-eun wasn't as bad as I thought she was.

I groaned, this day just couldn't get any shittier. I lay my head down on the table, staring at the bookshelf beside me for a second. My eyelids felt heavy, heavier than usual, and instinctively, I shut them, only wanting to shut them for a few seconds.

I ended up passing out onto the table from exhaustion.

The thing that woke me up this time was someone pulling strands of my hair lightly. It wasn't painful or forceful, but it was so annoying. 

I groaned, lifting my head up from that position, my arm was numb, but the nap I had was revolutionary, never had a sleep like that before ever.

I looked to my left, to see who was sat beside me, and you would honestly never guess who it was. He just sat there with the same stupid smile as he always does.

He started to twirl my hair around his finger lightly as I finally snapped into reality again.

"Was looking for you." Sunghoon said, letting go of my hair as I checked the time. It had only been an hour.

"So was Ji-eun." I rubbed my face, tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and turned my laptop back on.

"Ouch, why so cold?" He joked, I didn't reply, just continued working on what I was doing right now.

"No way you're ignoring me right now." Sunghoon leant back in his chair, staring at me, fully amused.

"I'm busy, I don't have time to hang out with you sorry, Sunghoonie." I added that stupid pet name Chaeyoung gave him, I spoke it in such a mocking tone that Sunghoon let out a laugh.


"Kill yourself." I retort, and he chuckled. He moved his chair closer to mine, staring at the work on my laptop.

"Shouldn't passing out on the table be a sign that you should stop studying so hard? Give yourself a break." He told me, and to be honest, I was in such a shitty mood I didn't even wanna hear his voice.

"Sunghoon, not everybody is born rich. If I don't work hard enough I'll end up on the fucking streets begging for money." I turned to look at him, telling him sternly.

His smile vanished from his face as he realised that I was seriously not in the mood.

"Give me two seconds." Sunghoon stood up, leaving the library.

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