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Nabi and I made it to some grill restaurant, while we shit talked everybody in our campus, we drank and ate grilled beef, it was pretty good up until we passed the two bottles of soju mark.

"I'm seriously. So. So close to slapping Chaeyoung in the face for you Seoyeon, that woman is not a joke." Nabi slurred, flipping some beef on the grill.

"Ah, seriously I have to hold back otherwise she'll cry to Sunghoon about it and I'll be the evil one." I groaned loudly, so irritated over the fact that Sunghoon would probably defend Chaeyoung.

"What even is between those two." Nabi gave a dissatisfied chuckle, shoving some grilled beef and lettuce into her mouth, "Sunghoon seems to be aaaaalll over her even though you're like a million times better."

I rolled my eyes, not even bothering pouring myself soju in the shot glasses anymore, I just took a large swig from the bottle.

"You wanna hear this idiot's excuse?" I laughed before I even told her, "Apparently Chaeyoung is like a sister to him." I continued with my laughter, genuinely in disbelief.

Nabi almost spat out her food, giggling at my words.

"No way." She widened her eyes, refusing to believe me, but I nodded my head and she let out a gasp.

"Yes way." I scoffed, finishing my fourth bottle of soju. My head was literally out of it right now, I could probably pole dance like a professional if you gave me a pole.

"You know what..? Let's go find you some guy to be like a brother to you then~" Nabi dragged my hand, I grabbed the last bottle of soju from our table, and left with her.

We stumbled horrendously among the streets, it was dark, and on top of that, we were wasted to the brim. We walked around for a while, acting completely stupid and probably looking like we were on drugs to the public.

Nabi pointed to some random guy, walking up to him and dragging me.

"Hey! You!" Nabi looked at the guy, he looked at us, evidently confused, "Be her boy best friend!!"

"Uh.. are you okay?" He asked us, looking at us as if we were insane.

"Awwww, what's your name?" Nabi continued pestering the guy, I didn't say anything - staying silent because even though I was completely out of it, I couldn't help but think about Sunghoon.

"Ko Eunsik... Can I help you...?" He was still confused, but willing to speak to us at least.

"Yeaaa! Let's walk around!" Nabi dragged the guy along, poor guy must've just wanted to have a peaceful night out, unfortunately he encountered us.

Surprisingly, he was a pretty chill guy, not remotely creep-like and actually pretty funny. He bought us a few drinks again, and we all just drank while walking around like lunatics.

"Hey! You wanna see a trick!?" Eunsik asked, and we nodded, he ran up to a street lamppost, jumping on it and spinning as if he was either a fireman or a stripper.

We clapped and cheered as he slid down, pretty roughly, however, to us in this moment it was comedic.

After a while of stumbling and acting like absolute idiots on the streets, we started to make our way back towards the campus. Eunsik placed his arm around me as we walked. My heart gave a small painful pang, as if this just didn't feel right.

It genuinely felt like full blown cheating right now. But it serves Sunghoon right, right? I was silent as we walked, Nabi and Eunsik were laughing, talking, but my thoughts seemed to sober me up, and I just stared at the ground, wondering when he'd take his arm off me.

"You know! She was actually looking for a guy like you!" Nabi laughed, pointing to me as I snapped out of my thoughts.

Eunsik looked at me, with a drunken smirk, he gave a scoff and looked forward.

"Reaally? I was looking for a hot girl like you too." His voice croaked, and at that moment, I just wanted to go home now, "Suppose we are perfect match."

I didn't even reply, I just wanted to leave in this moment, the walk seemed to take forever, even though in the daytime it was rather quick and easy.

This just seemed to drag on for hours and hours. I checked my phone, and it was nearing 11pm already. Damn, how long was I even out for?

As I thought to myself in a daze, completely oblivious to the conversation Nabi and Eunsik were having, a voice completely cut all three of us out of our thoughts.

"Hands off my girlfriend."

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