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"What?" Eunsik gave a drunken laugh, as if he was astounded that such a man showed up before him.

"Did I stutter?" Sunghoon glared at Eunsik, his face mad, he looked scarier than I did, "Hands off."

His face was glowing, jaw clenched and showing that sharp jawline, his eyes narrow and demanding - this was a guy who you did not want to mess around with right now. His lips didn't even budge or curve into the slightest smile, he was vexed to the deepest extent.

"Hey. You might be good looking, but who do you seriously think you are talking to me like that?" Eunsik was beginning to show fury towards Sunghoon's attitude.

"You're going to embarrass yourself if you don't listen to me." Sunghoon coldly replied, his eyes fixated on Eunsik, refusing to move.

Eunsik took his arm off me, scoffing and cracking his knuckles. Eunsik was shorter than Sunghoon, so already, this was not looking good for him.

Eunsik immediately launched a punch, a foolish attempt to try and hit Sunghoon. His drunken steps and completely intoxicated body refused to execute any effective moves, instead, he stumbled forward as he horrendously missed.

It only took Sunghoon one singular punch, straight into the cheek. I squeezed my eyes shut at the impact of the punch, it was a solid hit, I'm pretty sure I heard his jaw crack.

One thing I did hear for sure, is his body thudding to the floor. Sunghoon looked at me, his eyes barely even softening the slightest.

I swallowed hard, this was not looking good for me either. He was probably gonna punch me next.

"You. We need to talk." Sunghoon stared at me, his eyes still sharply narrow. He grabbed my wrist and I almost tripped over my own self.

He forced me to just leave Nabi here, not even letting me say goodbye or anything, he just dragged me away with force.

I rubbed my face, yawning and trying to free myself from his grasp. As he noticed what I was doing, he held my wrist tighter, slowing his pace down as we gained decent distance away from Nabi and Eunsik's unconscious body.

He looked at me, despite the fact he was probably so mad at me, past the depths of hell kinda mad, his eyes gently softened. He looked away quickly, then back at me and gave a light sigh.

"What is going on with you?" Sunghoon asked me, his voice trying to stay bitter and blunt, but I could hear the warmth behind it.

"Me??? What's wrong with me?!" I scoffed, the alcohol fulfilling my brain again, "What the fuck is going on with you?!"

Sunghoon didn't reply for a second, he just gave me a look, I have no idea what that kind of look meant - but it was pretty intimidating.

"Goddamn it, I forgot how hard it was to talk to you when you're shitfaced." Sunghoon muttered under his breath, loud enough for me to hear.

I rolled my eyes at his comment as we walked into the university campus.

"You're the whole reason I'm like this, are you happy?" I provoked him with my words, he sent another devilish glare my way, but didn't reply.

Instead, he opened the door to his dorm after dragging me there. He didn't let go of me, even inside of the dorm, simply, he guided me toward my bathroom - pushing me inside and leaning on the door frame.

"Take a fucking shower and throw them clothes away." He demanded, his face meant serious business, "We'll talk tomorrow when you don't have any traces of that guy on you." 

He looked at me for a little longer, but cleared his throat and shut the bathroom door behind him, leaving my room.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his words, but either way I still listened. I hopped in the shower, taking a rather hot shower. The water seemed to sober me up lightly, and I came to the ultimate realisation that I really did just fuck up.

I stared at myself in the fogged mirror, or attempted to anyways. Sunghoon's blunt face and his cold words circled in my mind.

'You. We need to talk.'

I placed both hands on my face, groaning lightly as I completely realised that I was being so stupid. I was so fucked, I was gonna end up like Eunsik tomorrow too.

p.sunghoon → jasmineWhere stories live. Discover now